PSG Talon

PSG Talon

January 23, 2025Transfer
RuMaTickRuMaTickleft the team
September 1, 2024Transfer
RuMaTickRuMaTickjoined the team as: player
September 1, 2024Transfer
GottiGottijoined the team as: player
September 1, 2024Transfer
yassyassjoined the team as: player
September 1, 2024Transfer
RoyBoyRoyBoyleft the team
September 1, 2024Transfer
JLTJLTleft the team
May 16, 2024B.E.C Arena, Manchester
March 13, 2024Transfer
SoldierSoldierjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeoraleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
FabianFabianjoined the team as: coach
October 31, 2023Atlanta
October 3, 2023
August 31, 2023Transfer
KanosKanosleft the team
August 31, 2023Transfer
Marb1eMarb1eleft the team
August 31, 2023Transfer
RiderRiderjoined the team as: player
August 31, 2023Transfer
JLTJLTjoined the team as: player
March 9, 2023Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeorajoined the team as: player
March 9, 2023Transfer
RoyBoyRoyBoyjoined the team as: player
March 9, 2023Transfer
SoldierSoldierleft the team
March 9, 2023Transfer
h3dyh3dyleft the team
March 9, 2023Transfer
DemicDemicleft the team
August 30, 2022Transfer
AzzyyySAzzyyySleft the team
May 30, 2022Transfer
MisaMisajoined the team as: player
May 30, 2022Transfer
Marb1eMarb1ejoined the team as: player
May 29, 2022Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeoraleft the team
December 15, 2021Transfer
AzzyyySAzzyyySjoined the team as: player
December 15, 2021Transfer
DemicDemicjoined the team as: player
December 15, 2021Transfer
h3dyh3dyjoined the team as: player
December 15, 2021Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeorajoined the team as: player
December 15, 2021Transfer
KanosKanosjoined the team as: player
December 15, 2021Transfer
SoldierSoldierjoined the team as: player