PSG Talon

PSG Talon

23 January 2025Transfer
RuMaTickRuMaTickleft the team
1 September 2024Transfer
RuMaTickRuMaTickjoined the team as: player
1 September 2024Transfer
GottiGottijoined the team as: player
1 September 2024Transfer
yassyassjoined the team as: player
1 September 2024Transfer
RoyBoyRoyBoyleft the team
1 September 2024Transfer
JLTJLTleft the team
16 May 2024B.E.C Arena, Manchester
13 March 2024Transfer
SoldierSoldierjoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeoraleft the team
13 March 2024Transfer
FabianFabianjoined the team as: coach
31 October 2023Atlanta
3 October 2023
31 August 2023Transfer
KanosKanosleft the team
31 August 2023Transfer
Marb1eMarb1eleft the team
31 August 2023Transfer
RiderRiderjoined the team as: player
31 August 2023Transfer
JLTJLTjoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeorajoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
RoyBoyRoyBoyjoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
SoldierSoldierleft the team
9 March 2023Transfer
h3dyh3dyleft the team
9 March 2023Transfer
DemicDemicleft the team
30 August 2022Transfer
AzzyyySAzzyyySleft the team
30 May 2022Transfer
MisaMisajoined the team as: player
30 May 2022Transfer
Marb1eMarb1ejoined the team as: player
29 May 2022Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeoraleft the team
15 December 2021Transfer
AzzyyySAzzyyySjoined the team as: player
15 December 2021Transfer
DemicDemicjoined the team as: player
15 December 2021Transfer
h3dyh3dyjoined the team as: player
15 December 2021Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeorajoined the team as: player
15 December 2021Transfer
KanosKanosjoined the team as: player
15 December 2021Transfer
SoldierSoldierjoined the team as: player