June 16, 2015

3 Min Read

A Look Back...

This week at E3, FOR HONOR was announced at the Ubisoft Press Briefing.
Finally, the Ubisoft Montréal team could proudly show the world our new third-person melee-fighting game.

In the upcoming months, we’ll deliver more details about the game as we progress through development. Register here for all new content and to get a chance to be amongst the first to play the game. Consider this your source for all Game Info.

Here's a quick recap of all the excitement.

Announcement Trailer

Our main goal with the trailer was to make you feel the chaos, intensity, and brutality of our battlefield. In this trailer, you follow several deadly Warriors from our three factions: The Legions (Knights), The Warborn (Vikings), and The Chosen (Samurai). When the gates open, there’s no turning back; your warrior grips his weapon, advances forward, and fights for survival.

As the trailer progresses, you see glimpses of the different warriors from the game: their unique combat styles, armor, weapons and special moves. You also see some of our dark and beautiful world, where forests grow around the ruins of ancient occupiers. Long sweeping shots give you the real-time feeling of a believable battle.

Look for our content into the creation of this trailer in the upcoming weeks.

Creative Director’s Speech

Jason on Stage

Jason Vandenberghe is the Creative Director on FOR HONOR.
He and the team were really looking forward to this moment – finally breaking the silence and unveiling years of work to the world. Jason referenced the ART OF BATTLE control system. This innovation allows players to take control of their blade like never before. Find out more about the ART OF BATTLE.

Jason asked the audience, “When you look inside yourself do you see a Knight, a Viking, or a Samurai?”

Look for our content into the creation of this epic trailer in the upcoming weeks.

Have you asked yourself this question: We all claim an allegiance, what’s yours? Let us know:

Live Demo

The demo you saw at the conference was played by eight members of the dev team: TEAM BLUE (The Defenders) and TEAM RED (The Attackers).

We experienced the demo from the point of view of TEAM BLUE. Game Director Roman Campos Oriola plays the Warden (Legions Faction: Knight). After making his way through the front line by killing enemy soldiers, Roman entered a duel with Lead Game Designer Leroy Athanassoff. Leroy played The Oni (Chosen Faction: Samurai), armed with a sharp katana.

No easy win here. You can see the ART OF BATTLE in action as players attack, block, and maneuver around each other. The Warden triumphs over the Oni, serving him a finishing blow.

E3 Commented Walkthrough

Want to see more of the game? Have a look at this game walkthrough with commentary from dev team members Jeffrey Spicer (Production Manager) and Geoff Ellenor (Level Design Director):

Emile Gauthier [VIKING] and Sain-Sain Thao [SAMURAI], Community Developers

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