July 8, 2015

3 Min Read

Back from an amazing E3!

Hello warriors!
E3 was amazing! Now that we’re back, we wanted to take some time to revisit the show highlights and share insights from the For Honor team and players who got to try the game!
First, check out this interview with Creative Director Jason Vandenberghe, where he expresses how he felt unveiling this "new baby" to the world:

Reactions from fans

The exact moment we announced For Honor at the Ubisoft press conference, Twitter and Facebook exploded with comments and reactions. Since For Honor was an unexpected announcement, reactions from people on social were a flurry of excited “What the h*** is this?!” posts, followed by excitement about the new multiplayer melee fight genre that For Honor represents.
Even without having played the game, fans already seem to know which faction they will incarnate. It was fantastic to watch people pledge their allegiance on Twitter using our hashtags #IamKnight, #IamSamurai and #IamViking!
After just a few days, fans already created a sub-Reddit , our first fan-created website (http://honoredwarriors.com/), a Gamepedia Wiki page (http://forhonor.gamepedia.com/For_Honor_Wiki), and many more Facebook groups and pages.

At the Uplay Lounge, hand-chosen Ubisoft Star Players and VIPs got to try out For Honor firsthand.

The Masterclass

Another great moment of our E3 experience was the Masterclass held Wednesday at the Uplay Lounge, which provided a 45-minute deep dive into the For Honor world. Brand Director Luc Duchaine, Game Designer Bio-Jade Adam Granger, and Creative Director Jason Vandenberghe explained the game basics, the Art of Battle, and where they got the idea to create For Honor.
If you missed our Masterclass and the Q&A, you can watch it right here:

On an end note, it’s always rewarding to see game industry media and professionals appreciate our work. It was our first E3 and we came back with more than 20 award nominations, tying with Uncharted 4 for IGN’s ‘Best Action Game’.

For more behind-the-scenes pictures, check out our Facebook photo album
Don’t forget to register on THIS website to be among the first to play the game!
Thanks again for your support, and see you soon!

Emile Gauthier [VIKING] and Sain-Sain Thao [SAMURAI], Community Developers

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