12 天的「虹彩聖誕節」帶著更多的佳節喜悅回歸啦!
又是另一個送禮的季節了,在這個 12 月,我們會用 12 天的 2019 年「虹彩聖誕節」贈禮活動歡慶佳節!
12 月 9 日至 12 月 24 日的每個工作天,我們將送出限時獨家的節日 BlACKBEARD 聖誕同捆,以及兩個隨機的迷你人偶給 24 位幸運的獲選者!若想取得好禮,只要在贈送活動的 12 天期間,回應 Twitter 或 Instagram 上、帶有 #R6mas 標籤的貼文,就有機會成為我們的幸運得主!
- 12 月 9 日至 12 月 24 日的每個工作天,Twitter 帳號 @Rainbow6Game 與 Instagram 帳號 @Rainbow6game_US 都會張貼有 #R6mas 標籤的活動貼文。
- 回應這些有 #R6mas 標籤的 Twitter 或 Instagram 貼文。就這樣,只須回應貼文即可。
- 在每天結束前,我們會從 Twitter 和 Instagram 隨機各抽選一名該日的獲獎者!
- 每人每天僅限一次回應。
- 參與者於整個活動期間只能獲獎一次。
- 請確認你的私人訊息處於公開狀態,如此我們才能將贈品寄給你!若你未於 24 小時內回應得獎通知,我們就會選出另一名獲獎者!
共 24 名幸運兒(Twitter 12 名、Instagram 12 名)
- 1 個 BlACKBEARD 聖誕同捆。在正式釋出此塗裝前,獲選者能提前擁有!
- 2 個隨機官方虹彩小隊迷你人偶。不包含「聖誕帽」。
#R6MAS 快樂
As part of the contest, Ubisoft Entertainment (107 avenue Henri Fréville, BP 10704, 35207 Rennes Cedex 2, France) collect and process your personal data to provide you with your prize.
Your personal data processing is necessary to execute the contract you have entered with Ubisoft by accepting the rules of the contest.Your personal data will be accessible by Ubisoft, its affiliates and sub-processors and will be deleted after the contest.
Ubisoft may transfer your personal data to non-European countries that ensure an adequate level of protection according to the EU Commission, or within the framework of the standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Commission (accessible here).
You can request a copy of your data, its deletion or rectification, object to the processing of your data, request the restriction of its processing, and receive your information in portable form by contacting Ubisoft’s Data Protection Officers here.After contacting us, if you are not satisfied with the way we handled your request, you may address a complaint to the supervisory authority of your country.