2018 April 19

2 分(読むのにかかる時間)


Starting April 19, the For Honor® community will have free access to a series of new training features! This includes four new settings to help players learn the game, from basic apprentice skills to advanced warrior techniques.

Training Media Section

The Training Media section contains tutorial videos on game modes. If you are curious or have any questions about game modes, features, Heroes, or the Faction War, you can browse this section for more information.

Apprentice Trials

The goal of Apprentice Trials is to understand and master the game’s basic mechanics, such as Guard mode and attacking beginner’s techniques. You will be graded as you go, so you know which skills need improvement, and will be given rewards based on your performance.

The purpose is to guide you through the basics of the Art of Battle so that you’re ready to fight once you hit the battlefield. So feel free to repeat a step as many times as needed until you feel familiar with all the moves.

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Warrior Trials

Warrior Trials improve players’ knowledge of more advanced techniques. For example, you will learn how to trick enemies by feinting attacks, or take out multiple enemies at once with zone attacks. As with Apprentice Trials, you will earn rewards based on performance.

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Training Arena

In the Arena, players will discover the ultimate For Honor training ground. They will be able to choose any Hero and adjust the game settings to play any way they want. For example, even set up health, stamina, and revenge modifiers. Players can customize their AI enemies to practice new moves, and to prepare for specific scenarios.

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If you have any questions about these new training modes, please visit our official forum and the dedicated FAQ.

See you on the battlefield!