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May 23, 2023

Open World Activities in Resurgence

Hello Agent,

With The Division Resurgence looking to enter a new test phase this summer, we want to give you all a sneak peak at all of the Open World activities that await you in New York.

While there will be a lot for all new agents to do, here are some of the activities you may be taking part in on a regular basis.

Exploring the Streets of Manhattan

The streets of New York are dark and full of terrors, but as a Division Agent, roaming around and looking for trouble is part of your mission!

Throughout your exploration of the Open World, you may need to take down hostile patrol groups, engage enemy factions while they attempt to raid key locations, be asked to restore energy or water access, or even come to the help of civilians taken hostage. Of course, along the way there will be plenty of opportunities for you to find new and improved equipment, ammunition, and vital resources useful for research and crafting.

Keep your eyes peeled for key people with new and challenging missions for you. Or maybe you simply want to take some time to enjoy discovering the beautiful locations and vistas the Big Apple has to offer!

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Supply Run

Your settlement is growing day by day and while efforts are being made to be self-sufficient, many essential items cannot be home-grown. We need your help Agent to go out into the hostile streets of New York and retrieve a cache of vital supplies to help keep our people safe… before they fall into the wrong hands!

Supply runs are dangerous and will keep you on your toes. While you know where you’re going and what you need to find, you have no idea what awaits you there, guarding this precious (and often vital) loot. But here at the SHD we know how to take care of our own, and that also means making these perilous missions worth your while.

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Hostage Rescue

We’re getting distressing calls and messages from civilians trying to reach us. They’re currently being held by hostile groups and it’s imperative that we get them back safe and sound!

In hostage rescues, you will need to track down the enemy group, engage them if needed and free those being held captive so they can come and bolster our ranks. Exercise extreme caution out there, Agent… we wouldn’t want to have to send someone to rescue you also!

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Arms Deal Disruption

Strong armed hostile factions are a thing of nightmares .... so why not cut off their weapons supply at the source?

There is a lot of talk about arms deals happening downtown, with some factions illegally selling weapons to other hostile groups on the black market, and with your help we want to make sure these deals don’t take place. Head on out there and confront them while the deal is going down, take out anyone who stands in your way and make sure the cargo gets to us safely!

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Outpost Restoration

As you know, the JTF were unable to completely secure the city. While they had initially set-up bases and strongholds from which they planned to restore peace, many of these outposts fell quickly to hostiles and are now in enemy hands.

We need you to clear out these locations, bring the power back on and make sure our people can get a foothold in this key location. But beware-- you won’t get these areas back without a fight and we know how badly our enemies want to maintain control of them. You’ll probably need to get through a few hostile waves before we can safely send more people out to you.

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Agent, it’s time for you to play your part in saving what remains!
Pre-register now for a chance to take part in our upcoming tests: