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May 16, 2023

PvP Activities in Resurgence

Hello Agent,

While we are all very busy saving New York City from enemy factions, we also understand the merits of taking some time to challenge ourselves and train against some of the best equipped, most well trained and deadly professionals out there… other SHD Agents.

While we’re impatiently waiting for the Summer Test to start, here is one friendly way you will be able to test your mettle with and against other agents, as well as one much more unsavory option.

[TDR] PvP News - 2 Conflict Street Fight - 1 Conflict Street Fight

Conflict Domination

Looking for a straight up fight against other Agents? Look no further, this is the place to be!

The rules in Conflict Domination are simple:

  • 2 teams of 4 players face off in a closed environment
  • They are tasked with taking and holding strategic objectives
  • Each objective will earn the team holding it one point per second
  • The first team to reach 100 points wins the match

While you are allowed to use any skill in your possession to grab the momentum and take out your enemies, don't forget that teamwork will be your strongest weapon. Similarly, while overcoming your adversary in a straight-out gunfight, this conflict is about strategy and can only be won by playing the [REDACTED] objective!

In Conflict Domination all Player power will be normalized, so anyone can join alone or as a team without any limit on who they will be matched with.

To make sure all our Agents have a chance of having fun and obtaining rewards, special balancing mechanics in Conflict Domination will ensure fairness between players. The base statistics for all participants will be normalized with the ratios of each player's Firepower, Toughness and Engineering being respected, and statistic gains from upgrades (weapons, mods, SHD protocols for example) are removed in this game mode. However, weapon talents bonuses are preserved.

What does this mean for you? These changes will allow any player to enjoy the Conflict Domination game mode without worrying about the level or upgrade difference between them and other players, while  still being able to enjoy testing out specific builds and weapons in a competitive environment.

[TDR] PvP News - 2 Conflict Street Fight

Rogue Agents in the Dark Zone

We are all free to write our own story and, while there are real advantages to running as a pack, some Agents prefer hunting solo, going as far as turning Rogue and hunting other Agents in the Dark Zone!

The Dark Zone is a place of great danger but that can yield great rewards. It's a place where contamination levels are way above what we normally see and your stay there should be short if you want to make sure you stay healthy. While there, there are many objectives for you to hunt down, areas to discover and loot to be extracted, but danger lurks in the dark...

At any point, Agents can decide to go rogue and start attacking other friendly Agents to claim their precious loot for themselves. But they can also seek redemption either through a dedicated terminal in the DZ, or by waiting out a dedicated timer which only gets longer the more they attack friendly Agents.

These are quite probably the most dangerous enemies you could ever meet as they will retain all the advantages their level, upgrades and equipment will grant them.  So it's wise not to venture into the Dark Zone alone. Even with a team, you may want to keep a close eye on your team members in case they suddenly find you to be the juicier target!

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? In the DZ they may be one and the same!

Learn more about the Dark Zone in our dedicated blog post here.

[TDR] PvP News - Dark Zone Extraction