October 3, 2024

DevBlog: Factions

You'll not only cross path with mysterious characters whilst sailing the Indian Ocean, there are also many factions you will come across, each harbouring their own secrets. Uncovering these hidden truths might help you unravel the mysteries held by the Indian Ocean. While we'll explore the secrets of some of the more unique characters of Skull and Bones in a future article, today we'll share with you insights on the factions that might test your mettle or prove to be an ally at time.

Sea People

The Sea People, a nomadic, practical people whose community relies on fishing. Easily recognisable thanks to their white and blue sails and the palette of blues they wear when ashore.

Their Elder, an expert astrologist, interprets the seasons and stars to dictate their movement as they tend to prefer their nomadic lifestyle. But in the past, they contributed heavily to the shaping of the Red Isle as we know them.

Despite an attempt by the Clan of Fara to exile the Sea People from the Red Isle, some members of the faction have remained within the area. Though, you will find many small communities have decided to strike out on their own and attempt to reclaim the old ways.

While the Indian Ocean is mired in chaos, there are whispers of the Sea People's ancient past, of a time shrouded in mystery and the divine, and a hunger to restore themselves to their past glory.

Stuck in a bloody war with the Clan of Fara, they have found themselves increasingly dependent on others. You'll find they can be friendly and welcoming, though don't mistake this for as a sign of weakness. Their welcoming nature to others opens up plenty of opportunities to trade. Whilst they're willing to trade in a number of things, given the never-ending conflict they're locked in they will prioritise weapons and ammunition. They'll often exchange commodities and materials with some of the other factions.

Persistently under threat from the Clan of Fara as their warriors launch raid after raid on their settlements, there is a determination from the people to hold strong. A strong sense of defiance fills the community, knowing they can lean on each other to get them through the trials the Indian Ocean throws at them.

Should you peruse their wares you might stumble upon lamba, acacia or even garnets. Careful though, while it may seem the Sea People lack the weaponry of others, you'll find that first appearances can be quite deceiving. If you do intend on attacking their settlements, they do have ships such as broadsiders which specialize in piercing damage.

Through an alliance with Scurlock, they also contributed to the founding of Sainte-Anne and some still call the den their home to this day. You can spot their colours and flag, if you look around the street of Sainte-Anne.

[SnB] DevBlog: Factions - Sea People

Clan of Fara

The feared Clan of Fara, though only existing for a short time, has had a dramatic rise from a few cattle herding families to a regional power, in part due to intensive trading contact with foreign merchants. The Clan of Fara consider that the blood of the "first ancestors" flow in their veins. 

They rule a large territory in-land and are known for trade. They trade with European merchants and the Confederation of Ungwana, selling valuable resources such as bronze, iroko or sapphire in exchange for silver or cloves.

Known for their aggressive tactics, they are ruthless and will stop at nothing to ensure that their livelihoods are secured above all else. Their philosophy in aggression and survival strategies have largely been influenced by a King who leads his people with an iron fist, demanding high taxes, and even forcefully taking what he wants from his own tribe. It is under this rule, the Clan of Fara have further advanced their alliances with the Compagnie Royale. You may spot a group of Fara exchanging wood to the French. Despite this they aim to keep their deals with the French a secret and will treat all others with caution.

You would do well to bear this in mind. Both the royal and sacred houses of the Clan of Fara are secretly tied to the Sea People. Surprised? We did tell you each faction has their secrets. You can easily differentiate them at a glance as they tend to wear shades of red and their sails proudly display the red buffalo head of their faction.

Careful Captain, it would be a mistake to dismiss them as barbarians. They are well capable of adapting in order to maintain their power. You'll find there are many who purposely choose to avoid the Clan of Fara. Most fear confrontation with this faction as they would likely meet a gruesome death. Should you decide to take them on, be sure to remember they tend to prefer flooding your ships with the help of the ballista equipped on their broadsiders.

[SnB] DevBlog: Factions - Clan of Fara

Confederation of Ungwana

The Confederation of Ungwana is ruled by a council that represents the tribes and kingdoms of Africa, from the inland mining empires to the coastal tribes. They have found themselves uniting against common threats such as the Sohari, and the encroaching Compagnie Royale. From tribal wraps and hunting gear to Muslim jalabiya and kufi hat dress, you'll see the people of the Confederation of Ungwana express their identities through their dressing. 

Setting aside internal differences, you will find the different kingdoms and entities of the Confederation travel largely for trade, exporting various goods to eager buyers across the Indian Ocean. They rely on hunting and fishing for fresh meat and in most camps. Those who are proficient in hunting can be found skinning animal hides with a deft blade. Take a look around their camps, and you'll find scattered boxes of carved ivory and stretched animal pelts. A merchant would count themself lucky to chance across an Ungwana camp, for they often carry goods that would fetch a high price. 

Faced with their own conflicts, the Ungwana are always on high alert and closely watch for any approaching ships. They welcome pirates and merchants but keep their goods at a respectable distance, only handing their wares over after a full inspection. You can find items such as sisal, casting sand or nickel which they'll be happy to depart with for the right price.

They are as much shrewd merchants as they are skilled warriors. Be mindful not to get too close to their burners as they are often armed with Sea Fire and rammers are never far behind. Should any of their business partners disrespect or betray them, a painful death in the jaws of their caged animals would be the fate of such discourteous traitors.

Compagnie Royale

The Compagnie Royale have many military camps across the Indian Ocean and remain disconnected from the leadership back home. Despite the disconnect with the homeland, in the form of irregular and often contradictory communications, you will find many experienced commanders running the French outposts.

These experienced commanders who, though lacking connections or wealth, showcase cunning and resilience seldom seen. Whilst they don't have many resources, they have the freedom to experiment, leading these commanders engage in the most brazen tactics.

Be wary of what tactics they can come up with. As they have a wide range of vessels including, among others mortar equipped broadsiders, skirmishers who specialise in flooding damage and rammers.

Many take in the poor conditions of the Compagnie camps believing them to be weak and incapable of launching any of successful military operations. Be warned Captains, never judge a book by its cover, for these conditions do not tell the same story as those shared of the Compagnie successes. Though these successes do not speak of the low troop morale, with these poor conditions wearing the troops down. It is said the pay is meagre, the weapons don't always work, and the tents leak, though on the plus side, there is always more wine.

Despite these poor conditions, there is a strong sense of camaraderie in the camp and parties are often on the agenda.

You can recognise their sails in blue, white and yellow with the fleur de Lys as a pattern and their symbol displayed proudly in the middle. You'll find the Compagnie trade in, among other things, ale, tobacco, ambergris, and vanilla.

[SnB] DevBlog: Factions - Compagnie Fort


Soldiers of the DMC faction travel across the Indian Ocean conveying their ambassadors and secure their region in the East Indies. They occasionally travel in fleets deployed to expand their territory and subdue the Dominion of Rempah near Telok Penjarah. Lead by their nation's capitalist movement, the DMC soldiers are men who sign up for the promise of earning a reliable pay and climbing military ranks in the hopes of becoming a captain.

You can recognise them easily as they wear bold colours such as blue, gold, and white adorned garments. On the sea, their ships are dressed in the orange, blue and white symbolic of their country.

Visit a DMC camp and you'll find everything has its order and place. Dressed in their signature blue livery, SMC soldiers will take turns to guard the camp. Only the high-ranking officers will have the privilege of a tent, whilst the junior deck hands are expected to keep watch and tend the fire.

Keep your ear to the ground Captain. As you may hear resentful tones and frustrated whispers. The top-down structure of the DMC stifles many, with their meagre wages and a strict regimen. It isn't any wonder that many of them are disgruntled and turn to alcohol and other things behind their captain's back. There are those lured away by the potential of smuggling and the promised riches it brings. Afterall, it only takes a quick job that will set them up for life, right?

The DMC has the largest ships and a populous fleet of well defended cargo vessels that sail in convoy formation. You might find attacking their convoys might help you gather commodities such as nutmeg, cacao or camphor. Though, it should be said, if you intend to confront their sharpshooters and broadsiders make sure you are well protected against flooding damage.

[SnB] DevBlog: Factions - DMC

Dominion of Rempah

The Dominion of Rempah is ruled by a Sultan, surrounded by his court of ministers: the Orang Kaya.  It is a nation in flux as their people grapple with a recently failed coup d'état led by Admiral Rahma. Indeed, a long line of Sultanah ruled before the Orang Kaya put the current Sultan on the throne. 

The Orang Kaya, in a desperate attempt to maintain their power turned to the DMC for assistance. Taking matters into her own hands, Admiral Rahma attempted a coup d'état. Though it would seem someone leaked the plans, and the DMC intervened, leaving Rahma fleeing for her life and the Sultanah captured by the DMC. Admiral Rahma retreated with her navy, to Telok Penjarah where she is currently rebuilding her strength.

As the ashes of civil war settle, a new political landscape has emerged with the DMC as a major stakeholder in the region. 

Once you arrive in Telok Penjarah, make sure to stop by her office, and listen to the tales of the Dominion of Rempah. Some Rempah citizens have taken up arms to protect themselves. They stand with pride and believe that Admiral Rahma will return to depose the Orang Kaya. While they may not belong to the Admiral's personal army, they respect her and are moved to join her cause.  As members of the faction thrive far out from their capital, they are eager for news of the Sultanah.

Huddled around the fire, they speak in hush tones of their uncertain future. There is an air of worry and tension as they banter about war, political intrigue and the rogue Admiral who is rumoured to be consorting with pirates. 

When it comes to trade, with the Dominion of Rempah you'll find some of the things they trade include rubies, Batik, spices, or materials such as Salpeter. If you intend to attack their merchants, you might face the full wrath of their broadsiders. They might only be equipped with cannons, but they are expert at tearing your sails and rending you inert while they get away.

Dragon's Claw

The Dragon's Claw, is an elite military faction within the vast and ancient bureaucracy of the Qing Dynasty. It was established during a turbulent period, at a time when the empire sought to expand its influence and secure its trade routes. The Dragon's Claw is seen as part military unit, part secret police, all with the aim of securing the Emperor's will both at home and abroad. It is currently led by seasoned military leader, Commander Zhang.

The Dragon's Claw is seen as playing a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the Qing Dynasty's rule. They quell rebellions, root out corruption or as some might say, ensure none challenge the Emperor. The Dragon's Claw operations are deeply intertwined with the Empire's broader strategies for expansion and control, and their actions are often at the behest of the Emperor or his closet advisors.

Members of the Dragon's Claw are often drawn from the ranks of the most loyal and skilled warriors, strategists, and diplomats. Their training is rigorous, encompassing not only martial prowess, but also the subtleties of espionage, diplomacy, and sabotage. Little is known about the missions many undertake, with them usually shrouded in secrecy, though their presence is enough to stir both respect and fear.

Some say activities of the Dragon's Claw include securing trade interests, conducting covert operations against rival empires, and gathering intelligence on potential threats along the Silk Road and maritime trade routes in the Indian Ocean. They are particularly active in combating piracy and managing the delicate power balance of power with European colonial forces, who are ever eager to carve out their own spheres of influence in Asia.

Clearly distinguishable by the distinct regalia adorned with the sharpened claw of the dragon motifs they wear. You will find their uniform is rigid, metallic, and black, all the more important as it enables members to slip through the shadows. With these symbolising their authority and connection to the imperial throne. Members proudly wear queue (pigtails), which symbolise honour and status within Qing society.

[SnB] DevBlog: Factions - Dragons Claw

Phoenix's Talon

An offshoot of the Dragon's Claw, the Phoenix's Talon has emerged as new formidable faction. Established by Li Tian Ning, The Phoenix's Talon was named as such to symbolize a new fate and fortune. The faction embodies the "Sky Goddess'" vision carving out a new destiny for herself and her followers, free from the constraints of the Emperor's quest for immortal power.

The origins of the Phoenix's Talon start from the secretive chambers of the Dragon's Claw. Li Tian Ning's disillusionment began following her discovery of clandestine imperial decrees. She then learned that the Emperor was looking for treasure, which was rumoured to be able to grant eternal domination. Li Tian Ning, disturbed by the Emperor's thirst for immortal power and the implications it would have for the freedom of her people, and the world, began to envision a new path, one which diverged sharply from the imperial agenda.

Laying the groundwork for the emergence of the Phoenix's Talon, through attempting to strike out alliances, including one with Admiral Rahma, the stage was set. Disappearing from a tumultuous battle under the pretence of a tactical retreat into a storm, Li Tian Ning took herself and her ships away. After many weeks, Li Tian Ning has reemerged in the Indian Ocean under the banner of the Phoenix's Talon.

Now fully established, the Phoenix's Talon actively seeks to disrupt the old power structures. Their aim: create a new order where her people can thrive.

Continuing to weave her strategy, Li Tian Ning seeks to survive against the Dragon's Claw pursuers, all the while leaving everyone else to be caught in the crossfires of this growing civil war.

The arrival of the Phoenix's Talon on the Indian Ocean has drawn suspicion and panic from the local factions. The chaos across the Indian Ocean as the conflict between the Phoenix's Talon and Dragon's Claw escalates. We all know of a certain Admiral that won't hesitate to use this to their advantage, don't we, Captain?

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