
Open Beta Game Guide part 1

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This Guide is solely focused on the game’s Open Beta content, which is a limited selection from the full game’s scope and is still a work-in-progress. We encourage you to share your feedback with us on the subreddit and forum. Thank you for joining us for this stage of development.

The content of this Game Guide is as follows:

What is Rainbow Six Siege?

Rainbow Six Siege is a team-based tactical shooter set in an indoor environment. It is a 5v5 asymmetrical confrontation, between Attackers and Defenders, that encompasses a battle between fortification and breaching.

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The Fundamentals

A firm understanding of the basics of Rainbow Six Siege will help you to get the most out of your gameplay. In the following sections, we’ll help you get started on the path to becoming a better player and an asset to your team.

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Game Concepts

The Siege

With the Siege as a gameplay concept in mind, both sides are given time and tools to prepare for the upcoming assault, leading to a tug-of-war between fortification and destruction.

Attackers observe, then assault a fortified position from one of several points of entry, with the goal of completing their objective.

Defenders fortify their objective location, then attempt to prevent the Attackers from completing their mission.

Match Flow

The two teams will get to alternate between attacking and defending. The team with the most points wins (best out of 5 rounds).


During the Planning Phase, Attackers will choose their Attacker Operators and select their loadouts.

In the Preparation Phase, Attackers will be scouting ahead with remote drones to assess the situation and recon valuable intel on the enemy’s position, the objective location, and established fortifications.

During the Action Phase, Attackers will attempt to complete their objective, before the time limit expires, or eliminate the enemy team.


During the Planning Phase, Defenders will choose their Defender Operators and select their loadouts.

In the Preparation Phase, Defenders get time to prepare for the upcoming assault: they can fortify the objective location and its perimeter, molding their environment to their advantage.

During the Action Phase, Defenders will fight to prevent objective completion or eliminate the incoming threat.

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Game Modes

TDM— Secure Area (PvP)

You and your team of Attackers must locate the room housing the biohazard container and hold your position inside for at least 10 consecutive seconds. On the other side, the team of Defenders is working to prevent you from locking down the biohazard room by maintaining a presence within the same room. The timer can be interrupted if any Defenders enter the room, Attackers must work to either eliminate them, or force the Defenders out of the room.

TDM— Bomb (PvP)

Two bombs have been placed within the objective location. As Attackers, you and your team must attempt to defuse one of the bombs by activating the defuser. Once activated, the defuser will take 45 seconds to disarm the bomb. The Attackers win the round if they can disarm one of the two bombs, or the enemy team is eliminated. The Defenders must prevent the Attackers from activating the defuser, or disable the defuser if it has already has been activated. The Defenders can also win the round if they eliminate the enemy team.

Disarm Bombs (PvE)

Multiple explosive devices have been detected in the area of operation. Speed is essential as you must disarm all of the explosives that are present before the timer runs out. Once the defuser is activated, the Attackers will have to defend the defuser while it defuses the bomb, as waves of White Mask operatives descend on your location.

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Keyboard/Mouse Controls:


XBox One Controls:


PlayStation 4 Controls:


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Raise Your Clearance Level. Gain XP by playing the game. The more XP you gain, the higher your Clearance Level. Clearance Levels grant you access to more content.

Accumulate Renown. As you play the game, you will also gain Renown. You can use Renown to unlock Operators, and acquire attachments and weapon skins.

Clearance Level and Renown Reset. When the Open Beta ends, your progression will be wiped from your account, as this is not the final version of the game.

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Tips and Tricks

One life. No Respawns. Make sure that you make your life count. Make sure that your risks are calculated. This is applicable to all modes of Rainbow Six (PvP and PvE).

**Use your observation tools **and destroy your opponent’s!

  • As Attackers, you can bring up the drone’s camera feed (provided that they have not been destroyed). 
  • As Defenders, you can bring up the security camera feed to keep an eye on enemy movements. 
  • When using an observation tool, you can Scan for Enemies. When detected, the enemy position is revealed to your entire team.
  • While in Support Mode (once you’ve been killed), both Attackers and Defenders can see through their teammates’ point of view and available observation tools’ feeds.

Always communicate. Communication saves lives and alerts teammates to the presence and location of enemy combatants, as well as the position of the objective location.

  • At the bottom of your screen, there is a compass as well as map name locations which you can use for more precise communications with your team.
  • Use Ping while controlling an Operator, to point out a location to your team.
  • Use Enemy Scan in observation tools, to let your teammates know about an enemy’s position.

Minimize your target profile. You can lean around objects and corners. Additionally, you can crouch to duck under half-covers throughout the engagement zone. Or use prone to minimize your vertical exposure.

Rappel everywhere. Attackers are able to rappelling to their advantage on most maps. Keep this in mind on Defense, as the Attackers could come from any direction.

Keep your ears open and exercise sound discipline With the audio system implemented in Siege adapting to the procedural destruction, keep an ear out for your enemies. Every movement they make will produce noise, especially on harder surfaces!

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