

October 14, 2024Transfer
AtomAtomleft the team
October 14, 2024Transfer
GityGityleft the team
October 14, 2024Transfer
BeenoBeenoleft the team
October 14, 2024Transfer
PackerPackerleft the team
August 31, 2024Transfer
AtomAtomjoined the team as: player
August 31, 2024Transfer
KobelaxKobelaxleft the team
August 31, 2024Transfer
WoosWoosleft the team
April 21, 2024Transfer
BeenoBeenojoined the team as: player
April 21, 2024Transfer
KobelaxKobelaxjoined the team as: player
April 21, 2024Transfer
WoosWoosjoined the team as: player
April 21, 2024Transfer
GityGityjoined the team as: player
April 21, 2024Transfer
PackerPackerjoined the team as: player
April 21, 2024Transfer
SorrySorryleft the team
April 21, 2024Transfer
GeminiGeminileft the team
April 21, 2024Transfer
DoraDoraleft the team
April 21, 2024Transfer
AquiAquileft the team
March 16, 2024Transfer
LolloLolloleft the team
January 25, 2023Transfer
DiegoDiegoleft the team
September 10, 2022Transfer
SorrySorryjoined the team as: player
September 9, 2022Transfer
SashaSashaleft the team
March 15, 2022Transfer
DoraDorajoined the team as: player
March 14, 2022Transfer
ScattoScattoleft the team
January 1, 2020Transfer
AquiAquijoined the team as: player
January 1, 2020Transfer
GeminiGeminijoined the team as: player
January 1, 2020Transfer
LolloLollojoined the team as: player
January 1, 2020Transfer
ScattoScattojoined the team as: player
January 1, 2020Transfer
SashaSashajoined the team as: player
January 1, 2020Transfer
DiegoDiegojoined the team as: player