Team Secret

Team Secret

November 7, 2024Canada
September 2, 2024
August 31, 2024Transfer
VirtueVirtuejoined the team as: player
August 25, 2024Transfer
MiracleMiracleleft the team
May 16, 2024B.E.C Arena, Manchester
March 16, 2024Transfer
ThumpThumpleft the team
March 16, 2024Transfer
FaallzFaallzleft the team
March 16, 2024Transfer
EuporEuporleft the team
March 16, 2024Transfer
AdrianAdrianjoined the team as: player
March 16, 2024Transfer
jumejumejoined the team as: player
March 15, 2024Transfer
ThumpThumpleft the team
October 6, 2023
September 4, 2023
September 3, 2023Transfer
ASTR0ASTR0left the team
September 3, 2023Transfer
YZNYZNleft the team
September 3, 2023Transfer
SlebbeNSlebbeNleft the team
August 25, 2023Transfer
MiracleMiraclejoined the team as: player
August 25, 2023Transfer
FaallzFaallzjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2023Transfer
YZNYZNjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
ThumpThumpjoined the team as: analyst
March 10, 2023Transfer
EuporEuporjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
ThumpThumpjoined the team as: analyst
March 9, 2023Transfer
KendrewKendrewleft the team
August 31, 2022Transfer
ASTR0ASTR0joined the team as: player
August 31, 2022Transfer
GrubyGrubyjoined the team as: player
August 31, 2022Transfer
TwisterTwisterjoined the team as: coach
August 30, 2022Transfer
SavesSavesleft the team
August 30, 2022Transfer
TitanTitanleft the team
August 30, 2022Transfer
KeenanKeenanleft the team
May 30, 2022Transfer
SavesSavesjoined the team as: player
May 30, 2022Transfer
SavageSavagejoined the team as: player
May 29, 2022Transfer
PacbullPacbullleft the team
May 29, 2022Transfer
GomfiGomfileft the team
February 28, 2022Transfer
TitanTitanjoined the team as: coach
February 27, 2022Transfer
HifeHifeleft the team
September 1, 2021Transfer
KendrewKendrewjoined the team as: player
June 17, 2021
June 1, 2021Transfer
PacbullPacbulljoined the team as: player
June 1, 2021Transfer
KeenanKeenanjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
HifeHifejoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
GomfiGomfijoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
SlebbeNSlebbeNjoined the team as: player