

September 5, 2024Transfer
Z3romZ3romjoined the team as: player
September 5, 2024Transfer
LuCALuCAjoined the team as: player
September 5, 2024Transfer
DogiDogijoined the team as: player
September 4, 2024Transfer
IrrideIrrideleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
IrrideIrridejoined the team as: analyst
September 4, 2024Transfer
IrrideIrridejoined the team as: coach
September 4, 2024Transfer
ArcherOmixArcherOmixjoined the team as: coach
September 4, 2024Transfer
BlessXDBlessXDjoined the team as: player
September 4, 2024Transfer
LATEPARTYLATEPARTYjoined the team as: player
September 4, 2024Transfer
Lev4Lev4left the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
kanyekanyeleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
H1roH1roleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
DawiDDawiDleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
bennettbennettleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
aDonisaDonisleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
DawiDDawiDjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
Lev4Lev4joined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
kanyekanyejoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
H1roH1rojoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
aDonisaDonisjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
SeolleyoSeolleyoleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
NotionNotionleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
Kira-MikiKira-Mikileft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
AccidentAccidentleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
IrrideIrrideleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
MarineMarineleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
bennettbennettjoined the team as: coach
March 13, 2024Transfer
CrownCrownjoined the team as: player
October 3, 2023
August 31, 2023Transfer
IrrideIrridejoined the team as: player
August 31, 2023Transfer
NapzNapzleft the team
August 31, 2023Transfer
TovTovleft the team
August 31, 2023Transfer
GodGimbapGodGimbapleft the team
August 31, 2023Transfer
Kira-MikiKira-Mikijoined the team as: player
August 31, 2023Transfer
MarineMarinejoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
TovTovjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
SeolleyoSeolleyojoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
NotionNotionjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
NapzNapzjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
GodGimbapGodGimbapjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
AccidentAccidentjoined the team as: player