14 | #63 | #52 |
Followers | Popularity | Standing |
October 9, 2024
September 5, 2024
7th PlaceSouth Korea Closed League
September 5, 2024Transfer
Z3romjoined the team as: player
September 5, 2024Transfer
LuCAjoined the team as: player
September 5, 2024Transfer
Dogijoined the team as: player
September 4, 2024Transfer
Irrideleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
Irridejoined the team as: analyst
September 4, 2024Transfer
Irridejoined the team as: coach
September 4, 2024Transfer
ArcherOmixjoined the team as: coach
September 4, 2024Transfer
BlessXDjoined the team as: player
September 4, 2024Transfer
LATEPARTYjoined the team as: player
September 4, 2024Transfer
Lev4left the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
kanyeleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
H1roleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
DawiDleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
bennettleft the team
September 4, 2024Transfer
aDonisleft the team
April 18, 2024
March 14, 2024
6th PlaceSouth Korea Closed League
March 13, 2024Transfer
DawiDjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
Lev4joined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
kanyejoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
H1rojoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
aDonisjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
Seolleyoleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
Notionleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
Kira-Mikileft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
Accidentleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
Irrideleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
Marineleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
bennettjoined the team as: coach
March 13, 2024Transfer
Crownjoined the team as: player
October 3, 2023
2nd PlaceSouth Korea LCQ
September 1, 2023
8th PlaceSouth Korea Closed League
August 31, 2023Transfer
Irridejoined the team as: player
August 31, 2023Transfer
Napzleft the team
August 31, 2023Transfer
Tovleft the team
August 31, 2023Transfer
GodGimbapleft the team
August 31, 2023Transfer
Kira-Mikijoined the team as: player
August 31, 2023Transfer
Marinejoined the team as: player
April 10, 2023
March 10, 2023Transfer
Tovjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
Seolleyojoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
Notionjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
Napzjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
GodGimbapjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023Transfer
Accidentjoined the team as: player
March 10, 2023
7th PlaceSouth Korea Closed League