April 29, 2024Transfer
cryncrynleft the team
March 16, 2024Transfer
JigsawJigsawleft the team
March 16, 2024Transfer
SaethusSaethusleft the team
March 16, 2024Transfer
DeapekDeapekleft the team
March 16, 2024Transfer
LeonGidsLeonGidsleft the team
October 6, 2023
September 4, 2023
September 3, 2023Transfer
nudlnudlleft the team
September 3, 2023Transfer
LeadrLeadrleft the team
September 3, 2023Transfer
HxstiHxstijoined the team as: player
September 3, 2023Transfer
JigsawJigsawjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2023Transfer
SaethusSaethusjoined the team as: coach
March 13, 2023Transfer
MeepeYMeepeYleft the team
March 10, 2023Transfer
SpoitSpoitleft the team
March 10, 2023Transfer
nudlnudljoined the team as: player
March 9, 2023Transfer
KantorakettiKantorakettileft the team
March 7, 2023Transfer
LeadrLeadrjoined the team as: player
December 16, 2022Transfer
cryncrynjoined the team as: player
December 16, 2022Transfer
KantorakettiKantorakettijoined the team as: player
December 16, 2022Transfer
DeapekDeapekjoined the team as: player
December 16, 2022Transfer
LeonGidsLeonGidsjoined the team as: player
December 16, 2022Transfer
MeepeYMeepeYjoined the team as: coach
December 16, 2022Transfer
SpoitSpoitjoined the team as: player