Malvinas Gaming

Malvinas Gaming

September 10, 2024
September 9, 2024Transfer
SantosSantosjoined the team as: player
September 9, 2024Transfer
KreevzKreevzjoined the team as: player
September 9, 2024Transfer
AkaAkajoined the team as: player
September 9, 2024Transfer
CoriaCorialeft the team
September 9, 2024Transfer
DauertDauertleft the team
March 18, 2024Transfer
forbiforbijoined the team as: player
March 18, 2024Transfer
KoriaKorialeft the team
March 18, 2024Transfer
March 18, 2024Transfer
FioriFiorijoined the team as: coach
March 18, 2024Transfer
CoriaCoriajoined the team as: player
March 18, 2024Transfer
KoriaKoriajoined the team as: player
March 18, 2024Transfer
F0RBIZERAAF0RBIZERAAjoined the team as: player
March 18, 2024Transfer
yorkz7yorkz7joined the team as: player
March 18, 2024Transfer
diipzddiipzdjoined the team as: player
March 18, 2024Transfer
DauertDauertjoined the team as: player
March 18, 2024Transfer
SkarpSkarpleft the team
March 18, 2024Transfer
RulesRulesleft the team
March 18, 2024Transfer
Ragn4rRagn4rleft the team
March 18, 2024Transfer
Panno9Panno9left the team
March 18, 2024Transfer
NitroNitroleft the team
March 18, 2024Transfer
KaefeKaefeleft the team
March 18, 2024Transfer
AKcgAKcgleft the team
October 6, 2023
September 3, 2023Transfer
AKcgAKcgjoined the team as: coach
March 20, 2023Transfer
SkarpSkarpjoined the team as: player
March 20, 2023Transfer
Panno9Panno9joined the team as: player
March 20, 2023Transfer
NitroNitrojoined the team as: player
March 20, 2023Transfer
KaefeKaefejoined the team as: player
March 20, 2023Transfer
denikedenikeleft the team
March 20, 2023Transfer
KurtzKurtzleft the team
March 20, 2023Transfer
KingSt4rKingSt4rleft the team
December 12, 2022Transfer
NakaNakaleft the team
June 1, 2022Transfer
NakaNakajoined the team as: player
June 1, 2022Transfer
KurtzKurtzjoined the team as: player
May 31, 2022Transfer
BuzukaBuzukaleft the team
May 31, 2022Transfer
pzdpzdleft the team
February 28, 2022Transfer
denikedenikejoined the team as: player
February 28, 2022Transfer
BuzukaBuzukajoined the team as: player
February 28, 2022Transfer
pzdpzdjoined the team as: player
February 28, 2022Transfer
KingSt4rKingSt4rjoined the team as: player
February 27, 2022Transfer
FranzetaFranzetaleft the team
February 27, 2022Transfer
blkdeuSblkdeuSleft the team
February 27, 2022Transfer
AsterixAsterixleft the team
February 27, 2022Transfer
TOMTOMleft the team
February 27, 2022Transfer
Soco1Soco1left the team
February 27, 2022Transfer
MeightMeightleft the team
September 8, 2021Transfer
RulesRulesjoined the team as: coach
September 7, 2021Transfer
FranzetaFranzetajoined the team as: player
September 7, 2021Transfer
blkdeuSblkdeuSjoined the team as: player
September 6, 2021Transfer
PatanPatanleft the team
April 22, 2021Transfer
PredePredeleft the team
April 21, 2021Transfer
PredePredejoined the team as: player
March 6, 2021Transfer
AsterixAsterixjoined the team as: coach
March 6, 2021Transfer
TOMTOMjoined the team as: player
March 5, 2021Transfer
DzrDzrleft the team
March 5, 2021Transfer
MadeInChinaMadeInChinaleft the team
January 1, 2021Transfer
Ragn4rRagn4rjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
DzrDzrjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
Soco1Soco1joined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
PatanPatanjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
MeightMeightjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2020Transfer
MadeInChinaMadeInChinajoined the team as: player