Dplus KIA

Dplus KIA

November 7, 2024Canada
September 1, 2024Transfer
MittyMittyjoined the team as: coach
September 1, 2024Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeoraleft the team
September 1, 2024Transfer
dmalydmalyleft the team
September 1, 2024Transfer
JLTJLTjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
EunsangEunsangjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
yassyassleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
HoundBirdHoundBirdleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
SoldierSoldierleft the team
March 13, 2024Transfer
saeyeorasaeyeorajoined the team as: player
March 13, 2024Transfer
EnvyTaylorEnvyTaylorjoined the team as: analyst
February 13, 2024Transfer
Harp3rXDHarp3rXDleft the team
February 13, 2024São Paulo, Brazil
February 13, 2024Transfer
dmalydmalyjoined the team as: player
October 31, 2023Atlanta
April 24, 2023
April 3, 2023Transfer
yassyassjoined the team as: player
April 3, 2023Transfer
WoogimanWoogimanjoined the team as: player
April 3, 2023Transfer
SoldierSoldierjoined the team as: player
April 3, 2023Transfer
HoundBirdHoundBirdjoined the team as: coach
April 3, 2023Transfer
Harp3rXDHarp3rXDjoined the team as: player
April 3, 2023Transfer
cotedcotedjoined the team as: player
March 16, 2023Transfer
HoundBirdHoundBirdleft the team
March 16, 2023Transfer
yassyassleft the team
March 16, 2023Transfer
WoogimanWoogimanleft the team
March 16, 2023Transfer
SoldierSoldierleft the team
March 16, 2023Transfer
Harp3rXDHarp3rXDleft the team
March 16, 2023Transfer
cotedcotedleft the team
March 13, 2023Transfer
yassyassjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2023Transfer
WoogimanWoogimanjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2023Transfer
SoldierSoldierjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2023Transfer
HoundBirdHoundBirdjoined the team as: coach
March 13, 2023Transfer
Harp3rXDHarp3rXDjoined the team as: player
March 13, 2023Transfer
cotedcotedjoined the team as: player
March 9, 2023Transfer
GottiGottileft the team
March 9, 2023Transfer
CATsangCATsangleft the team
March 9, 2023Transfer
yassyassleft the team
March 9, 2023Transfer
WoogimanWoogimanleft the team
March 9, 2023Transfer
HoundBirdHoundBirdleft the team
March 9, 2023Transfer
Harp3rXDHarp3rXDleft the team
March 9, 2023Transfer
cotedcotedleft the team
December 28, 2022Transfer
RINRINleft the team
December 25, 2022Transfer
PJHPJHleft the team
May 30, 2022Transfer
PJHPJHjoined the team as: analyst
May 29, 2022Transfer
RoyBoyRoyBoyleft the team
January 24, 2022Transfer
HoundBirdHoundBirdjoined the team as: coach
January 5, 2022Transfer
Harp3rXDHarp3rXDjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
GottiGottijoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
RoyBoyRoyBoyjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
RINRINjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
cotedcotedjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
WoogimanWoogimanjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
yassyassjoined the team as: player
January 1, 2021Transfer
CATsangCATsangjoined the team as: player