15 December, 2017

11 Min Read

Patch Notes 1.17



  • “Predator's Hunger”, “Predator's Mercy” and “Wild Cat's Rage” now have reduced ability to track opponent. 

Developer Comments: *This is meant to fix the situations in which she tracks you around corners. *

  • “Predator's Hunger”, “Predator's Mercy” and “Wild Cat's Rage” cancels to combat idle has been increased to 24 stamina (from 10). 
  • “Predator's Hunger”, “Predator's Mercy” and “Wild Cat's Rage” now have 100ms shorter windows to cancel the strike. 

Developer Comments: *This is to make her commit more to these moves. *

  • “Predator's Hunger's” and “Predator’s Mercy” attack strike range slightly reduced. 

Developer Comments: *This reduces how far away the Shaman can be to hit the Predator's Moves against a backwards-moving opponent. This visually used to appear to miss, but counted as a hit. *

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where “Predator's Hunger” would look strange when hitting an opponent who did not react.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug that prevented Shaman from successfully using Deflect against external attackers.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the “Raven’s Beak” to become visually offset if performed after the opponent dodges.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that would cause the Shaman to not play any sound when she is thrown off ledges.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shaman’s “Predator’s Hunger” to glide in the air when performed on an unbalanced opponent.
  • [Bug Fix] Polished the sounds of the Shaman execution.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that cause the Lights and Heavies of the Shaman to play no sound while hitting soldiers.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an missing feint animation on “Rushing Wind Alternative”.
  • [Bug Fix] Polished the Aramusha parry animation to make them make them look more responsive.
  • [Bug Fix] fixed an issue that allowed opponent’s to parry the Aramusha’s Heavy during a Guardbreak.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that would cause “Ring the Bell” to not be properly interrupted in case of Bumps.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that would cause the Aramusha to not play any sound when thrown off ledges.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where soldiers who were killed with chained attacks could incorrectly interrupt and push their killer. Please note that this issue is not fixed on the Centurion. This will be addressed in a future update.
  • [Bug Fix] All characters can now dodge while they are “Stunned” by feats. This affects “Fiat Lux”, “Kiai” and “Stun Trap” that previously did not allow the affected player to dodge.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that could prevent players from climbing on ladders.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused an improper death animation when the Conqueror died in a Spike Pit.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused an improper death animation when the Conqueror was killed while unbalanced.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Lawbringer to be incorrectly interrupted when using a Right Throw to throw the opponent over a ledge. This also prevents the opponent from being thrown over the ledge too early, and solves a bug where this early bump would cause Lawbringer to drop an Offering.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Raider to be incorrectly interrupted when using a Left, Right, or Back Throw to throw the opponent over a ledge. This also prevents the opponent from being thrown over the ledge too early, and solves a bug where this early bump would cause Raider to drop an Offering.


  • [Bug Fix] Warlord “Crashing Charge” will now correctly hit target in campaign.

Warlord “Crashing Charge” tuning:

  • Modifications to Warlord “Crashing Charge” collision detection have been made to improve targeting and the dodge timing for the opponent.

  • Stamina cost increased to 20, on miss “Crashing Charge” will cost 40 stamina.

  • [Bug Fix] Damage of Out of Lock Warlord Attacks are now in line with Locked version.


  • [Bug Fix] Valkyrie’s “No touching” execution is now available.


  • [Bug Fix] Opponent falls off the ledge if the Shinobi performs a "Grab" move near a ledge. This is now fixed.


  • [Bug Fix] The stamina cost of Punch after heavy finisher will now correctly cost 12 stamina (was 16) when performed after Lion’s Fangs and Lion’s Bite combos.


  • [Bug Fix] [Fight] Gladiators's “Pricked Attack” is marked as a "Attack Light", it should be a "Attack Melee". This is now fixed.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where Highlander would be incorrectly bumped when using any direction Throw to throw the opponent over a ledge. This also prevents the opponent from being thrown over the ledge too early, and solves a bug where this early bump would cause Highlander to drop an Offering.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Highlander to slide to his left when performing an Heavy Attack in offensive form.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed animation issues that were offset while grabbing the Offering.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the players to be unable to pick the Offering while an ally is reviable inside the interactions area. Now the player is able to chose his preferred interaction by orienting the camera toward it.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that could cause players to remain stuck in the Shrines.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Blessing’s visual effects to not be displayed on Bots which are getting substituted by the players.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused active shrine boost to not be granted to players when they join a custom match of Tribute that is already in progress.


The Gauntlet

  • [Bug Fix] Bot could occasionally remain stuck in Ziplines. This is now fixed.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that would cause the player to be redirected to the Main Menu instead of the Game Lobby after viewing the Ranking screen.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused players to get redirected in PvAI session after an Host Migration in a PvP session.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that would cause the player to be unable to get back into matchmaking after the group leader quits a match with the group following.


The Shipyard

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that cause the Shipyard map to not play all the ambient sounds it was supposed to.

The Sentinel

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that cause the camera to not positioned in the right direction on spawn in Elimination.

The Gauntlet

  • [Bug Fix] Removed some floating arrows from the bridge near Capture Point A.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed missing sound during the introduction cinematic.

Market Town

  • [Bug Fix] The background scenery would change on match completion. This is now fixed.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Bots to drop too early from zipline.


  • [Bug Fix] We added a 3rd paint pattern to all the Raider outfits. He is now on par with all the other Heroes.
  • [Bug Fix] Added a missing sound effect for the Shugoki’s “Darkness” and “Bats” mood while idle.
  • [Bug Fix] Removed a sound effect on Shugoki’s “Smoke” mood that was not supposed to play. This mood was actually playing the sound of the “Skull” mask.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that would cause executions bought in Bundles to not be automatically assigned to an Input if all 4.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that would cause moods, executions and emotes to not play sound while viewed in the Hero customization screen.

Faction War

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Faction Rank, next to the number of troops on that territory, to not be displayed while viewing a territory.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the War banner expiration message to shows twice on the screen when switching factions while keeping the tactical view layer activated.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the War banner icon to not change if factions are switched when a front remains selected and the war banner is planted while the tactical view is active.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Season 4 blades thumbnails for Warden to be offset.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a user interface overlapped while selecting Duel Tournament.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a notification error when recruiting the Shaman.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that displayed the Conqueror on the Season 1 Lawbringer bundle.
  • [Bug Fix] Added an “How To” video for Tribute.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the gamepad tooltips to not update the changes made during game.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the execution button prompts to not change if the player switches the layout right after connecting the last hit.

Xbox One

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that cause the client to remain stuck on a blank world map after accepting an invite from Host on Season Round Reward screen.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the wrong text chat privacy icons to be displayed if two players are in the same group but on different teams. Please note this issue only occurred in Custom Matches.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Execution 3 and 4 to be unbinded immediately after unbinding the key for execution 1 and 2.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Sprint to exit Guard mode to remain active even if Lock Toggle is off.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Execution 3 and 4 to be assigned to default keys even if other ones have been specified.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the PS4 button icons, while viewing the gamepad layouts, to display PS4 and Xbox buttons prompts.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that cause the Letterboxing to be missing for some menu screens on 21:9 monitors.

For additional patch notes, visit www.forhonorgame.com/patchnotes

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