Wildcard Gaming

Wildcard Gaming

23 January 2025Transfer
JobroJobrojoined the team as: analyst
31 August 2024Transfer
RampyRampyleft the team
31 August 2024Transfer
VertcLVertcLleft the team
31 August 2024Transfer
SpiffSpiffjoined the team as: player
31 August 2024Transfer
BaeBaejoined the team as: player
3 April 2024Transfer
JustinJustinjoined the team as: analyst
13 March 2024Transfer
SurfSurfleft the team
13 March 2024Transfer
PackerPackerleft the team
13 March 2024Transfer
FroshiiFroshiileft the team
13 March 2024Transfer
DraZDraZleft the team
13 March 2024Transfer
AtomAtomleft the team
13 March 2024Transfer
MeepeYMeepeYjoined the team as: coach
13 March 2024Transfer
VertcLVertcLjoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
KanzenKanzenjoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
SpikerSpikerjoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
RampyRampyjoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
MercMercleft the team
13 March 2024Transfer
SpiriTzSpiriTzleft the team
13 March 2024Transfer
BoscoBoscojoined the team as: player
2 October 2023Transfer
FroshiiFroshiijoined the team as: analyst
2 October 2023Transfer
BeauloBeauloleft the team
2 October 2023
28 September 2023Transfer
BeauloBeaulojoined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
DraZDraZjoined the team as: coach
3 September 2023Transfer
AtomAtomjoined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
PackerPackerjoined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
SurfSurfjoined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
SpiriTzSpiriTzjoined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
MercMercjoined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
TuhanTuhanleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
SoyaSoyaleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
LogiikLogiikleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
Kyro(OLD)Kyro(OLD)left the team
3 September 2023Transfer
EdpanEdpanleft the team
13 March 2023Transfer
EdpanEdpanjoined the team as: player
10 March 2023Transfer
VincereVincereleft the team
10 March 2023Transfer
BouncinBouncinleft the team
10 March 2023Transfer
PatPatleft the team
10 March 2023Transfer
OjOjleft the team
31 August 2022Transfer
TuhanTuhanjoined the team as: player
31 August 2022Transfer
SoyaSoyajoined the team as: player
30 August 2022Transfer
MilostkaMilostkaleft the team
30 May 2022Transfer
LogiikLogiikjoined the team as: coach
28 February 2022Transfer
Kyro(OLD)Kyro(OLD)joined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
BouncinBouncinjoined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
MilostkaMilostkajoined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
VincereVincerejoined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
OjOjjoined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
PatPatjoined the team as: player