Mir Gaming

Mir Gaming

8 January 2025Transfer
SlothSlothleft the team
4 September 2024Transfer
LeeDaeMinLeeDaeMinleft the team
4 September 2024Transfer
HoneyHoneyleft the team
4 September 2024Transfer
WaifferWaifferjoined the team as: coach
4 September 2024Transfer
SlothSlothjoined the team as: player
4 September 2024Transfer
BlurrBlurrjoined the team as: player
4 September 2024Transfer
aEndeaEndeleft the team
4 September 2024Transfer
aEndeaEndejoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
HoneyHoneyjoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
EroSAEroSAjoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
BaguetteBaguettejoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
GuardGuardjoined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
aEndeaEndejoined the team as: coach
13 March 2024Transfer
LeeDaeMinLeeDaeMinjoined the team as: player