Team Empire

Team Empire

26 January 2023Transfer
RayzerGMRayzerGMleft the team
14 December 2022Transfer
ShepparDShepparDleft the team
10 December 2022Transfer
NikoNikoleft the team
10 December 2022Transfer
eXoduSSeXoduSSleft the team
30 August 2022Transfer
JoyStiCKJoyStiCKleft the team
30 August 2022Transfer
dandanleft the team
30 August 2022Transfer
AlwaysAlwaysleft the team
30 May 2022Transfer
NikoNikojoined the team as: player
29 May 2022Transfer
AndreezyAndreezyleft the team
28 February 2022Transfer
AndreezyAndreezyjoined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
eXoduSSeXoduSSjoined the team as: player
9 September 2021
1 January 2020Transfer
ShepparDShepparDjoined the team as: player
1 January 2020Transfer
JoyStiCKJoyStiCKjoined the team as: player
1 January 2020Transfer
dandanjoined the team as: player
1 January 2020Transfer
AlwaysAlwaysjoined the team as: player
1 January 2020Transfer
RayzerGMRayzerGMjoined the team as: coach