
14 April 2023Transfer
AtlaSAtlaSleft the team
27 March 2023Transfer
R1ckR1ckleft the team
20 March 2023Transfer
MeightMeightleft the team
13 September 2022Transfer
MeightMeightjoined the team as: player
13 September 2022Transfer
SANT9SSANT9Sjoined the team as: player
12 September 2022Transfer
DegodDegodleft the team
12 September 2022Transfer
GerdeuSGerdeuSleft the team
1 June 2022Transfer
ZETAZETAjoined the team as: player
31 May 2022Transfer
FerxxieFerxxieleft the team
31 May 2022Transfer
MadeInChinaMadeInChinaleft the team
31 May 2022Transfer
el_bArtoel_bArtoleft the team
16 April 2022Transfer
DauertDauertleft the team
23 March 2022Transfer
DegodDegodjoined the team as: player
23 March 2022Transfer
FerxxieFerxxiejoined the team as: player
23 March 2022Transfer
AtlaSAtlaSjoined the team as: player
22 March 2022Transfer
KurtKurtleft the team
3 March 2022Transfer
R1ckR1ckjoined the team as: coach
28 February 2022Transfer
DelBaDelBaleft the team
7 September 2021Transfer
SlemdsSlemdsjoined the team as: player
7 September 2021Transfer
MadeInChinaMadeInChinajoined the team as: player
6 September 2021Transfer
NefuNefuleft the team
6 September 2021Transfer
HazeldorFHazeldorFleft the team
23 July 2021Transfer
YayoYayoleft the team
9 June 2021Transfer
GerdeuSGerdeuSjoined the team as: player
9 June 2021Transfer
DelBaDelBajoined the team as: player
6 March 2021Transfer
el_bArtoel_bArtojoined the team as: player
6 March 2021Transfer
KurtKurtjoined the team as: player
6 March 2021Transfer
DauertDauertjoined the team as: player
6 March 2021Transfer
YayoYayojoined the team as: player
6 March 2021Transfer
NefuNefujoined the team as: player
6 March 2021Transfer
HazeldorFHazeldorFjoined the team as: player