

9 September 2024
8 September 2024Transfer
OxxxxxxOxxxxxxjoined the team as: player
8 September 2024Transfer
FreeloFreelojoined the team as: player
8 September 2024Transfer
RayRayjoined the team as: player
8 September 2024Transfer
NukeyNukeyjoined the team as: coach
8 September 2024Transfer
KrineKrinejoined the team as: player
8 September 2024Transfer
HaleHalejoined the team as: player
8 September 2024Transfer
RazrRazrjoined the team as: player
8 September 2024Transfer
PresidntPresidntleft the team
8 September 2024Transfer
AserzAserzleft the team
8 September 2024Transfer
BapnBapnleft the team
8 September 2024Transfer
QcxieQcxieleft the team
8 September 2024Transfer
DirtyyDirtyyleft the team
8 September 2024Transfer
SaevedSaevedleft the team
25 March 2024Transfer
PresidntPresidntjoined the team as: player
25 March 2024
24 March 2024Transfer
PresidntPresidntleft the team
24 March 2024Transfer
AriaArialeft the team
24 March 2024Transfer
AserzAserzjoined the team as: player
24 March 2024Transfer
DirtyyDirtyyjoined the team as: player
24 March 2024Transfer
QcxieQcxiejoined the team as: player
24 March 2024Transfer
KyroKyroleft the team
24 March 2024Transfer
KqrmaKqrmaleft the team
11 September 2023
8 September 2023Transfer
AriaAriajoined the team as: player
8 September 2023Transfer
SaevedSaevedjoined the team as: player
8 September 2023Transfer
KyroKyrojoined the team as: player
8 September 2023Transfer
KKinKKinleft the team
8 September 2023Transfer
SchontSchontleft the team
8 September 2023Transfer
RealersRealersleft the team
8 September 2023Transfer
MilostkaMilostkaleft the team
8 September 2023Transfer
KultammaKultammaleft the team
8 September 2023Transfer
ElementzElementzleft the team
8 September 2023Transfer
BapnBapnjoined the team as: player
10 March 2023Transfer
KultammaKultammajoined the team as: analyst
10 March 2023Transfer
ElementzElementzjoined the team as: player
10 March 2023Transfer
KqrmaKqrmajoined the team as: player
10 March 2023Transfer
KKinKKinjoined the team as: player
10 March 2023Transfer
RealersRealersjoined the team as: player
10 March 2023Transfer
SchontSchontjoined the team as: player
10 March 2023Transfer
PresidntPresidntjoined the team as: player
10 March 2023Transfer
MilostkaMilostkajoined the team as: coach