
13 March 2024Transfer
EroSAEroSAleft the team
1 September 2023Transfer
VamosVamosleft the team
31 August 2023Transfer
IrrideIrrideleft the team
31 August 2023Transfer
ShuShuleft the team
31 August 2023Transfer
RiderRiderleft the team
31 August 2023Transfer
JLTJLTleft the team
9 March 2023Transfer
RiderRiderjoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
ShuShujoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
JLTJLTjoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
EroSAEroSAjoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
VamosVamosjoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
IrrideIrridejoined the team as: analyst
9 March 2023Transfer
GlowMeGlowMejoined the team as: analyst