TT9 Esports

3 September 2023Transfer
PranoPranoleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
GslaGslaleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
AmisionAmisionleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
LeonskiLeonskileft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
KendrewKendrewleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
NoaNoaleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
KantorakettiKantorakettileft the team
9 March 2023Transfer
LeonskiLeonskijoined the team as: coach
9 March 2023Transfer
NoaNoajoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
ScytherScytherleft the team
9 March 2023Transfer
wTgwTgleft the team
9 March 2023Transfer
Fannn135Fannn135left the team
9 March 2023Transfer
KantorakettiKantorakettijoined the team as: player
9 March 2023Transfer
KendrewKendrewjoined the team as: player
27 January 2023Transfer
PranoPranojoined the team as: player
27 January 2023Transfer
GslaGslajoined the team as: player
4 January 2023Transfer
Fannn135Fannn135joined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
AmisionAmisionjoined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
wTgwTgjoined the team as: player
1 January 2020Transfer
ScytherScytherjoined the team as: player