Chivas Esports
1 | #117 |
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17 October 2022Transfer
Cerberusleft the team
22 March 2022Transfer
Clipeleft the team
22 March 2022Transfer
Rovileft the team
22 March 2022Transfer
NhilVleft the team
22 March 2022Transfer
Physicsleft the team
16 November 2021
12 September 2021
7 September 2021Transfer
Clipejoined the team as: player
7 September 2021Transfer
Rovijoined the team as: player
6 September 2021Transfer
Mirelesleft the team
29 July 2021Transfer
EzPzjoined the team as: analyst
20 June 2021
9 June 2021Transfer
Cerberusjoined the team as: player
8 June 2021Transfer
Gaboleft the team
30 April 2021Transfer
Xploidzleft the team
22 April 2021Transfer
BOBileft the team
21 March 2021
21 March 2021Transfer
AlanDerfjoined the team as: player
21 March 2021Transfer
Lua.joined the team as: player
21 March 2021Transfer
NhilVjoined the team as: player
21 March 2021Transfer
Mirelesjoined the team as: player
21 March 2021Transfer
Gabojoined the team as: player
20 March 2021Transfer
Harryleft the team
20 March 2021Transfer
Cerberusleft the team
20 March 2021Transfer
Luxorleft the team
21 January 2021Transfer
Harryjoined the team as: player
1 January 2021Transfer
BOBijoined the team as: player
1 January 2021Transfer
Physicsjoined the team as: coach
31 December 2020Transfer
Cerberusjoined the team as: player
31 December 2020Transfer
Luxorjoined the team as: player
22 December 2020Transfer
AlanDerfleft the team
20 December 2020Transfer
Victoryleft the team
1 December 2020Transfer
Victoryjoined the team as: player
21 November 2020
19 September 2020
27 June 2020
1 January 2020Transfer
Xploidzjoined the team as: player