Black Dragons

Black Dragons

Black Dragons's social channels
7 November 2024Canada
7 September 2024
26 August 2024Transfer
LoiraLoiraleft the team
25 August 2024Transfer
hornethornetjoined the team as: player
15 March 2024Transfer
Ghost1Ghost1left the team
15 March 2024Transfer
Ghost1Ghost1joined the team as: coach
15 March 2024Transfer
NuxgaNuxgajoined the team as: player
15 March 2024Transfer
FlorioFloriojoined the team as: player
15 March 2024Transfer
gutogutojoined the team as: player
15 March 2024Transfer
15 March 2024Transfer
Ghost1Ghost1joined the team as: player
13 March 2024Transfer
PatoxyPatoxyleft the team
13 March 2024Transfer
liveliveleft the team
12 March 2024Transfer
stempstempleft the team
12 March 2024Transfer
ThugThugleft the team
12 October 2023
9 September 2023
7 September 2023Transfer
LoiraLoirajoined the team as: player
6 September 2023Transfer
AsKAsKjoined the team as: player
4 September 2023Transfer
ionionleft the team
4 September 2023Transfer
BassettoBassettoleft the team
9 March 2023Transfer
stempstempjoined the team as: player
7 March 2023Transfer
stempstempleft the team
7 March 2023Transfer
stempstempjoined the team as: player
7 March 2023Transfer
nadenadeleft the team
7 March 2023Transfer
PeresPeresleft the team
6 December 2022Transfer
livelivejoined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
FREEZAOFREEZAOjoined the team as: coach
28 February 2022Transfer
nadenadejoined the team as: player
28 February 2022Transfer
ThugThugjoined the team as: analyst
27 February 2022Transfer
VivasVivasleft the team
27 February 2022Transfer
liveliveleft the team
27 February 2022Transfer
sSeiiyasSeiiyaleft the team
30 August 2021Transfer
VivasVivasjoined the team as: analyst
30 August 2021Transfer
BassettoBassettojoined the team as: player
29 August 2021Transfer
resetzresetzleft the team
31 May 2021Transfer
PeresPeresjoined the team as: player
30 May 2021Transfer
yoonayoonaleft the team
30 May 2021Transfer
HugzordHugzordleft the team
29 April 2021Transfer
resetzresetzjoined the team as: player
1 March 2021Transfer
yoonayoonajoined the team as: player
1 March 2021Transfer
livelivejoined the team as: player
1 March 2021Transfer
ionionjoined the team as: player
28 February 2021Transfer
hornethornetleft the team
28 February 2021Transfer
pzdpzdleft the team
28 February 2021Transfer
LagonisLagonisleft the team
3 December 2020Transfer
hornethornetjoined the team as: player
31 May 2019Transfer
sSeiiyasSeiiyajoined the team as: coach
4 December 2018Transfer
HugzordHugzordjoined the team as: player
1 December 2015Transfer
PatoxyPatoxyjoined the team as: player
1 December 2015Transfer
pzdpzdjoined the team as: player
10 January 2002Transfer
LagonisLagonisjoined the team as: player