11 March 2021Stage 1 of the Asia-Pacific League is about to kick off with an adjusted schedule to cater to the Six Invitational 2021 now scheduled in May. Playday 1 of the South Division will start on March 18th at 6PM AEDT, while the North Division will start on March 19th at 6PM SGT.
You will find below key information ahead of the start of the league:
participating teams
north division:
- Cloud9
- Cyclops
- GUTS Gaming
- FAV Gaming
- Fnatic
- T1
- Talon Esports
south division:
- Giants Gaming
- Wildcard Gaming
- Xavier Esports
- QConfirm LFO
- Seventh Heaven
- Pittsburg Knights
- Okami LFO
- Elevate
south division playday 1
north division playday 1
stage 1 adjusted calendar
map pool
operator pool
Tachanka and Aruni have finished their grace period and will now be added to the Asia Pacific League operator pool.
on air crew
Coming soon on @R6esportsAPAC
where to watch
- English: Twitch.tv/Rainbow6
- English: Youtube
- Japanese: https://www.twitch.tv/Rainbow6JP
- Japanese: Youtube
- South Korean: https://www.twitch.tv/Rainbow6KR
- South Korean: Youtube
- Mandarin: https://www.twitch.tv/Rainbow6TW
asia-pacific league season 2021: complete update
Competitive format
In Season 2020, we managed to merge the 4 local Pro Leagues into one Asia-Pacific League, composed of multiple layers: the North Division and the South Division (composed of the Oceanic Nationals and the South Asia Nationals). From what we’ve learned last season, we feel that there are still too many discrepancies between the sub-regions, therefore we have decided to simplify the structure.
For Season 2021, the Asia-Pacific League will still be divided into 2 divisions, but this time, each division will gather 8 teams and will have the exact same format: an online round robin and Best-of-one matches with overtime.
- The North Division will be composed of the 8 teams located the northernmost of the region, meaning mostly teams from Japan, South Korea and South East Asia.
- The South Division will gather 8 teams located the southernmost of the region, meaning from South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
In addition of these 2 divisions, we will continue to organize a series of Open Tournaments in South Asia, the South Asia Nationals, to offer up-and-coming teams the opportunity to hone their skills and reach the worldwide stages.
At the end of a stage, the top-ranking team in each division will be automatically qualified for the Six Major, based on the regional league point system.
The teams ranking 2nd, 3rd and 4th in each division will be joined by the 2 best teams from the South Asia Nationals, to decide who will get the 2 remaining slots for the Six Major in a special weekend of Playoffs.
The 8 teams participating in the Playoffs will face off in a double elimination bracket. All matches up until the semifinals will be played in a Best-of-1; from then on, including the semifinals themselves, matches will be played in Best-of-3.
Competitive Calendar
For 2021, each division – North and South – will have 1 playday per week over 7 weeks.
- North Division playdays will happen on Wednesdays, starting at 6PM SGT
- South Division playdays will happen on Thursdays, starting at 6PM AEDT
Note: To leave room for the Six Invitational 2021, the calendar for Stage 1 has been adjusted.
Asia-Pacific league prizepool
Asia-Pacific League Stage 1, 2 and 3:
- North Division prize pool
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- South Division prize pool
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- South Asia Nationals prize pool
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Additionally, teams qualified for the Asia-Pacific League Playoffs may receive a share of the dedicated prize pool of the event as follows:
- APAC Playoffs prize pool
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In addition, teams that would have qualified to the cancelled May Major, will still receive a fair share of the overall May Major prize pool, based on their performance in Stage 1.
- May Major prize pool split
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R6 SHARE update
All organizations meeting the eligibility criteria in both the North and South Divisions of the Asia-Pacific League will be included in the R6 SHARE program, an initiative aimed at supporting their development in the long run.
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