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October 28, 2024

Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red

Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red is marking the start of a new seasonal journey. With Aaron Keener in custody at the White House, he aims to strike a deal with The Division. Before Agents can learn what he knows, they have to secure the other members of Keener's team, starting with Theo Parnell.

Brew that Kerman coffee, grab a seat, and let's dive into everything Season 2 has in store.



Seasonal Journey

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 1. Seasonal Journey

The new Seasonal Journey introduces a structured progression system with 7 sequential missions, each containing 8 objectives. It is designed to guide players through the early stages of each new season, offering a mix of challenges and goals that introduce key mechanics. Available from level 1, even new players can jump right into the current season's content.

The entire Seasonal Journey unlocks at the start of the season. As you complete each mission and objective, you'll earn various rewards, including XP, Season Pass XP, progression-boosting items, resources, and active modifiers. Completing the entire journey will grant you a unique cosmetic item.

Seasonal Modifiers

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 2. Season Modifiers

The Seasonal Modifiers are central to each season's unique gameplay, spicing up the usual rules and mechanics of the game. There are four distinct types of modifiers, each playing a crucial role in shaping player experience:

  • Global Modifiers set the overall theme of the season and are active at all times while the system is enabled, affecting the core gameplay loop.
    • This season, the theme is "range." The Global Modifier, "Point Blank," grants a bonus damage based on distance from enemies.
  • Active Modifiers function like "ultimate" abilities, giving your character a short burst of power.
    • Players can choose from a selection of Active Modifiers, but only one can be equipped at a time. This season, they manipulate the range zones set by the Global Modifier.
  • Passive Modifiers work in conjunction with the Global Modifier, adding extra bonuses.
    • Players can equip up to three Passive Modifiers simultaneously. In the first season, these modifiers provide additional benefits based on the range zones from the Global Modifier.
  • Hostile Modifiers: These represent how the enemies adapt to your new abilities.
    • As players progress through the season, enemies will gradually gain new abilities linked to specific enemy types, forcing you to use the Global, Passive, and Active Modifiers strategically to counter them.

The modifier system can be disabled at any time and is mutually exclusive with global events, allowing players to control how they engage with the seasonal challenges.

Priority Objectives

The Priority Objectives system offers a variety of short-term objectives, enhancing the way players can farm for items and resources in the game. The Priority Objectives system becomes available upon reaching level 30.

Players can choose from three objectives, selecting one based on limited information such as duration, reward category, and mission type. Once a selection is made, it is locked in, and the full details of the objective and its rewards will be revealed.

If none of the objectives appeal to the player, the system allows for rerolls and has an Abandon Objective feature. Players can earn reroll points by completing Priority Objectives, with a maximum of three rerolls stored at any time.

There is no limit to the number of Priority Objectives a player can complete, and rewards include XP, Season Pass XP, items, resources, and passive modifier unlocks.

Manhunt Scouts

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 3. Parnell Manhunt

Manhunt Scouts is a new system that drives the game's narrative by requiring players to complete weekly activities that reward them with equipment, XP, materials, and, most importantly, new collectibles.

Each week, players can tackle a Scout, which consists of three different activities. These activities will vary, and players must solve a small riddle to complete each one. Activities should be completed in order, and once all three are finished, players will receive the Scout Reward.

Once all activities in a Scout are completed, players will receive a bigger reward, including a unique collectible. However, new Scouts cannot be accessed until the current one is completed.

By the end of the season, completing all Scouts unlocks the Manhunt Climax Mission, and finishing that unlocks the Master Climax Mission, so make sure to stay on track each week.


This season introduces two new Named Weapons and several new Talents, along with a new Gear Set and Brand Set. Exotic collectors can look forward to a new Exotic Assault Rifle, an Exotic Holster, and an exclusive Exotic Chest Piece awarded for completing the Climax Mission.


Exotic AR
Talent Unnerve
Killing and enemy will apply a mark on every enemy within 20m of it. Multiple marks can be applied on the same enemy. Deal 15% Amplified Damage per mark to marked enemies.

Weapon Mods
Magazine: +20 Rounds
Muzzle: +5% Critical Hit Damage
Optics: +5% Critical Hit Chance
Underbarrel: +10% Weapon Handling

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 4. Strega ExoticAR


Centurion's Scabbard
Exotic Holster
Talent Counter
Swapping weapons will give the following groups of bonuses one by one, in order.

For PvE:
1. 20% Rate of Fire, +20% Weapon Damage
2. +50% Magazine Size, +50% Reload Speed

The bonuses remain active for 12s or until the next weapon swap. Swapping to your sidearm will not trigger the next group of bonuses.

For PvP:
1. 10% Rate of Fire, +10% Weapon Damage
2. +25% Magazine Size, +50% Reload Speed

The bonuses remain active for 10s or until the next weapon swap. Swapping to your sidearm will not trigger the next group of bonuses.

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 5. Centurions Scabbard Exotic Holster


Gear Set
2 Pieces equipped give +15% Weapon Handling, +15% Magazine Size

3 Pieces equipped give 15% Weapon Damage

4 Pieces equipped unlock a new unique talent.

Talent Symphony

Killing an enemy further than 25m will provide +40% Weapon Damage to Shotguns, SMG's and Pistols, +20% Weapon Damage to AR's and LMG's and 25% Bonus Armor for 15s.

Killing an enemy within 25m will provide +40% Weapon Damage to MMR's and Rifles, +20% Weapon Damage to AR's and LMG's and +30% Headshot Damage for 15s.

Intermittently killing enemies from both ranges will build up stacks. At 4 stacks, all bonuses are multiplied by 1.5 and triggered at the same time for 15s. No stacks are acquired while these bonuses are active.

Chest and Backpack Talents:

Chest Bonus - Talent "Fortissimo"

Double the Weapon Damage bonuses of Symphony.

Backpack Bonus - Talent "Accelerando"

Decrease the number of stacks needed to proc the Symphony double buffs from 4 to 3.
Legatus S.p.A.
Brand Set
1 Piece equipped gives +30% Swap Speed

2 Pieces equipped give +70% Optimal Range

3 Pieces equipped +15% Weapon Damage

Named Gear Pieces:

Named Backpack "Vigil" - Talent "Perfect Versatile"

Amplifies total weapon damage for 10s when swapping between your primary and secondary weapons if they are different.

45% to enemies within 15m for Shotguns and SMG's.

For PvP: 35% to enemies within 15m.

45% to enemies further than 25m for Rifles and MMR's.

For PvP: 35% to enemies further than 25m.

20% to enemies between 15-25m for LMG's and AR's

At most once per 5s per weapon type.

Named Mask "Visionario" - Perfect Attribute

+50% Optimal Range

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 7. Virtuoso Gear Set

Players can obtain the Virtuoso Gear Set through seasonal caches, by progressing through the final three chapters of the Seasonal Journey, or by exploring the Open World. It can also be farmed through targeted loot for those looking to complete their set.


The Drill
Carbine 7
Talent "Perfect Precision Strike"
Killing enemies farther than 20m builds up stacks. Max stack is 2.
Hitting an enemy within 20m will use all stacks to provide +35% Amplified Damage to enemies within 20m for 5s.
Talent "Perfect Precision Strike"
Killing enemies farther than 20m builds up stacks. Max stack is 2.
Hitting an enemy within 20m will use all stacks to provide +35% Amplified Damage to enemies within 20m for 5s.
Talent "Precision Strike"Killing enemies farther than 20m builds up stacks. Max stack is 3.
Hitting an enemy within 20m will use all stacks to provide +20% Amplified Damage to enemies within 20m for 5s.


The Master Climax Mission introduces a brand-new difficulty level, exclusively available for Manhunt Climax Missions. This level is designed for the most hardcore players seeking an extra challenge. Expect tougher enemy scaling and the inclusion of seasonal modifiers that will push your skills to the limit.

Those who rise to the occasion will be rewarded with special bonuses, such as additional XP, high-quality loot, resources, in-game currencies, and unique vanity items. Additionally, successfully completing the Master Climax Mission grants players the Exotic Chest "Provocator", as a special reward.

Exotic Chest
Talent Challenger
PvE: Receive +25% Damage Resistance from enemies within 20m.
PvP: Receive +20% Damage Resistance from enemies within 15m.

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 6



Weapon Talent
Dealing damage with a grenade applies a mark on target. Targets with marks will take 15%(20%) more damage to armor and have a -20% movement speed. Mark disappears after 10 seconds.

Previously: Dealing damage with a grenade applies a mark on target. Targets with marks will take 30% more damage to armor and have a -20% movement speed. Mark disappears after 10 seconds.
Mosquito Song
Exotic Pistol
Hitting an enemy applies a stack. Stacks are shared between players. At 5 stacks, the enemy will forcefully target the last player to apply a stack for 5s and take 25% more damage to armor. Stacks deplete every 5s. Activating the effect on an enemy will remove all stacks from other enemies.

Previously: Hitting an enemy applies a stack. Stacks are shared between players.
At 10 stacks, the enemy will forcefully target the last player to apply a stack for 5s. Stacks deplete every 5s. Activating the effect on an enemy will remove all stacks from other enemies.

The following Rifles and MMR's will become fully automatic:

RiflesACR, UIC15, The Ravenous, M1A, Lightweight M4, LVOA-C, MDR, Resolute Mk47, Mk17, SIG 716, USC.
MMR’sG28, Mk20, SVD.

For a detailed breakdown of the balancing adjustments made to Weapons, Talents, Gear Sets, Brand Sets, and Exotics, please visit our Known Issues Board.


Named Weapons

In TU22, a fresh batch of Named Weapons will be added to the loot pool for missions and mission bosses. While the original loot tables remain unchanged, they now offer additional opportunities to obtain these new items.

Although these weapons have a higher drop rate, they are not guaranteed rewards and may require multiple attempts to acquire. The likelihood of these weapons dropping increases with the difficulty level of the mission.

These new loot drop chances are exclusively available for characters at level 40 or above and are limited to regular versions of missions - they do not apply to "invaded" missions.

  • Camp White Oak: Pyromaniac, Mechanical Animal, Kingbreaker.
  • The Pentagon: New Reliable.
  • DARPA Research Labs: Lefty.
  • Roosevelt Island: White Death.
  • Manning National Zoo: White Death.
  • Coney Island: Burn Out, Born Great.
  • Tidal Basin: Dare, Big Show.
  • Coney Island Ballpark: Tabula Rasa, Carnage.
  • Bank Headquarters: Cabaret, Grown Great, Swap Chain.
  • Capitol Hill: Safety Distance, Emeline's Guard, Cold Relations.
  • Viewpoint Museum: Cuelebre, Tsunami
  • Disctrict Union Arena: Baker's Dozen, Stage Left.
  • Space Administration HQ: Ekim's Long Stick, Designated Hitter, Scalpel.
  • Air & Space Museum: Prophet.
  • Jefferson Plaza: Invisible Hand, Glory Daze, Test Subject.
  • Jefferson Trade Center: Quiet Roar.
  • Federal Emergency Bunker: Boomstick, Backup Boomstick, The Mop.
  • American History Museum: Surge, Artist's Tool.
  • Potomac Event Center: Relic, Commando.
  • Grand Washington Hotel: Lightning Rod.


  • General performance enhancements have been implemented to provide a smoother gaming experience on PC.
  • Balaclavas now conceal player ears, allowing for better-fitting designs and a more realistic appearance.
  • Moved Chest, Backpack, Gloves and Kneepad Appearance Mods from the Inventory Modding Menu to the Apparel Menu. They can be found by scrolling down in the Apparel Menu and can be dyed by selecting the Dye option in the Buttons Bar, at the bottom of the menu.
  • Updated Recurring Projects pool for all Level 40 Players.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to earn double Scavenger Points


The Division 2 Friend Referral program will relaunch on October 31 at 9 AM UTC, featuring new incentives for both Veterans and Recruits. This time, players can get the Insurgent Uniform and Insurgent Backpack as exclusive items. Invite your friends to join you in playing The Division 2 and unlock these great rewards together!

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 8. Friend Referral


The optional Season Pass is available for all The Division® 2 players starting at Level 1, priced at 1000 Premium Credits ($9.99 or your regional equivalent) in the in-game store and does not require ownership of the Warlords of New York DLC. While the Season Pass is accessible from Level 1, some of the rewards will be usable only when you reach Level 40.

Additionally, players can opt for the Premium+ option, available for $29.99 or your regional equivalent, which bundles the Premium Season Pass with multiple rewards, offering even greater value.

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 9. Y6S2 SeasonPass

Players with the Season Pass can gain access to the following premium track rewards:

  • 10 gear dyes
  • 10 weapon skins
  • 2 outfits
  • 2 new Prestige Arm Patches

Moreover, players can earn 400 Virtual Currency by progressing through the Season Pass on the premium track.

But that's not all! Free players now can receive cosmetics in the Season Pass. The free track includes 1 outfit and 1 weapon skin, allowing every Agent to gear up and stand out in the streets of D.C.


Don't miss out on this exclusive One Time Offer, available for $19.99 or your regional equivalent. It includes 2000 Premium Credits plus a bonus 600 Credits. And as a cherry on top, you'll get the rare Augury Mask to keep your style sharp in the chaos of the Dark Zone.

-TD2- News - Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red - 10. Y6S2 One Time Offer

That's the brief completed, and intel shared for all the events and content we have coming with Y6 Season 2: Shades of Red.

You can also track some of the top-level investigations being conducted by the team over on our Known Issues Board.
The annual winter holiday celebrations are returning to The Division 2 this December, bringing with them festive-themed cosmetics and new surprises for Agents to enjoy. Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the event!

Good luck out there!