
New Cheating Countermeasure

We are consistently inspired by the devotion and passion the community has shown to Rainbow Six Siege since launch. Your feedback has been a driving force for our Development Team, and has helped us in improving the game.

It is to progress further down this path that today, we present you a modification that has been greatly discussed: adding an additional anti-cheating system. Today, we are performing a preliminary integration of BattlEye (Beta), an active client-side anti-cheating protection system

BattlEye will complement FairFight, which is, as you know, our current server-sided anti-cheating engine. To prevent cheating, FairFight uses algorithmic models to identify statistically anomalous actions in our game. For the specific needs of our game, however, we felt an additional anti-cheating system was needed.

For this reason, we chose BattlEye which will focus on prevention rather than behavior. BattlEye functions as a shield around the game. “You can picture it operating like anti-virus, scanning your memory to detect known cheat signatures,” R6 Technical Architect explained.

During the BattlEye Beta period, we will be running tests on a large scale with all our PC players, and so for several weeks. As such, we won’t issue any bans for the moment (except to the bans already issued by FairFight). When in full effect, BattlEye will kick any cheating player from accessing the game. Those kicked from the game by BattlEye will get a specific notification (see full FAQ).

We will keep you informed as we make sure that this anti-cheating client-side product is best adapted to our needs. We thank you in advance for your patience and feedback.

You can refer to the Rainbow Six Siege and BattlEye FAQs below:

Rainbow Six Siege BattlEye FAQ

BattlEye FAQ

You can find more details about BattlEye's concern for privacy here.

If you are in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our team here.

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