
Season 3: Quality of Life Improvements

While the word enhancement may suggest something minimal, it’s those little things, minor tweaks, and subtle changes that can have the biggest impacts. In this patch preview post, you will learn more about the Quality of Life improvements that we brought to the game.

One feature that many players, including a lot of Pro League players, have asked for is the ability to decide who spawns with the diffuser in TDM-Bomb. This is something you will be able to do before the round starts in any Ranked or Custom game in Season 3. Game Designer Leroy Athanassoff says that “since rounds are only a few minutes long, this feature allows teams to sharpen their tactics.”

Players will also see a lot of small updates in the menu flow. A notable addition is the ability to trigger a panel that features your team’s loadout choices while selecting your Operator. Presentation Director Toni Da Luz says that “Players will now have real-time access to the weapons and gadgets their teammates have chosen. For example, being able to know if Fuze went for a shield or a 6P41 is a game changer in Siege, where team composition matters a lot”.

				![SRainQOLSS3](https://ubistatic19-a.ubisoft.com/resource/en-CA/game/rainbow6/siege/New%20asset_260714.png "SRainQOLSS3")

Team Loadout

Additionally, the Presentation and Design teams worked conjointly to improve the in-game HUD. The “N” mark on the compass is now highlighted in red, which improves readability. Players can access it while cycling surveillance cameras. Our teams also did a pass on how health is featured. “We removed the Operator speed level since it’s not a relevant dynamic information while in the heat of a match. This allowed us to feature your health and additional armor (e.g., Rook) much more efficiently than before,” says Da Luz.

				![SRainQOLSS2](https://ubistatic19-a.ubisoft.com/resource/en-CA/game/rainbow6/siege/scimitar_engine_win64_2012_q_dx%202016-07-15%2016-00-59-72_259877.bmp "SRainQOLSS2")

In-game HUD

We feel as though these changes (plus those unrevealed) will drastically improve your experience of our game. The collective voice of the community drives us to implement such enhancements, and it is your passion that keeps us working hard at improving the game in the long term.

Operation Skull Rain releases on August 2nd. Join us on the Official Twitch channel on July 30th during the Xbox Pro League final for a full reveal and exclusive live demo. Come back daily to the Skull Rain website for new information about the upcoming update.

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