Explore Space in Virtual Reality
Developed specifically for VR, Star Trek: Bridge Crew puts you and your friends in the heart of a starship, where- as officers of the Federation- every action and decision you make together will determine the fate of your ship and crew.
DLC The Next Generation
The adventures continue with Ongoing Voyages.
Game Overview
A New Playable Ship: The Enterprise D
The Enterprise D can be used in any of the existing Ongoing Voyages modes, plus the two new modes. Players appear in authentic TNG uniforms when on this bridge, and experience the full audiovisual treatment to make everything look and sound like the TNG show.
New Avatar Option: Android
You can choose and customize any of several Android avatars.
New Enemies: The Romulans and The Borg
The Romulans are deadly and devious, making heavy use of surprise attacks. And the infamous Borg Cube poses a nearly unstoppable threat.
A New Player Role: Operations
On the Enterprise D, instead of Chief Engineer, you play as Operations. The signature feature of Operations is assigning NPC crew members to jobs throughout the ship. How Ops assigns crews at any given moment modifies the ship’s capabilities.
New Ongoing Voyages Mode: Patrol
Investigate activity throughout the Trench, flying to your choice of star systems and encountering random events and challenges along the way. Can be played with any of the three playable ships.
New Ongoing Voyages Mode: Resistance
A Borg Cube is tracking your ship, and you must locate a series of prototype defenses in order to survive your final encounter with it. At every step, the Borg are tracking you and trying to disrupt your efforts. Resistance is a tough challenge mode for dedicated players! Can be played with any of the three playable ships.
New Ship Capabilities
To counter Romulan stealth tactics, the Enterprise D can deploy Proximity Torpedoes; a well-coordinated Bridge Crew can use them like depth charges to neutralize a cloaked enemy. And to hold out against deadly singular threats like the Borg, the Enterprise D also features Shield Modulation and Precision-Fire Phasers.