15 June, 2015

5 Min Read


Innovative fight controls allow you to embody the deadliest warriors in history: Vikings, Knights, and Samurai. These legendary fighters come from different worlds but they all share a mastery of their weapons. Their blades are true extensions of their bodies.

Our game designers wanted to capture this mastery in a simple but dynamic control system. Combining two passions, weapon handling and multiplayer games, the game designers developed the ART OF BATTLE. This breakthrough gives players a believable feeling of control, while keeping it fun and challenging at the same time.

In FOR HONOR, fighting is not about mashing buttons.

A True Connection Between Players and Their Weapons

We discussed with Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director on FOR HONOR, the ART OF BATTLE and how his team approached the challenge:

					"What we’ve done is taken the most important parts of actual fighting and boiled them down into something accessible, something that carries the same emotional value but is still easy to understand and use on a controller. In FOR HONOR, fighting is not about mashing buttons – players are in actual and direct control of their weapon. You choose where you block, you choose where you attack, you can bluff, you can strategize, you can adapt on the fly."*

Jason Vandenberghe

On how this control philosophy came about, Jason recalled:

					"This approach to weapon controls literally occurred to me as I was walking down the street one afternoon. This was about twelve years ago. My wife had bought both of us one year of German Longsword training at a local dojo. I was walking back from class, where I had been learning the basic stances and swinging swords at things, and I was thinking about the way that ancient system worked. I was so impressed with the simplicity of it, and so of course I was wondering if there was a way to adapt that system to the standard controller layout. I probably looked ridiculous walking down the sidewalk (with a wooden practice sword, no less) pantomiming like I had a controller in my hand, but by the time I got home I had the basic ‘lock, stance, attack’ approach worked out. I’ve been carrying it around in my head ever since, bouncing it off of anyone who would listen. I finally bounced it off of the right people, it seems."*

Game Controller Button Mapping

Your input on the controller is truly connected to the moves your Warrior performs on screen. Move the right stick to the left and the Warrior will actually put their weapon on the left side of their body.

ART OF BATTLE creates an incredibly immersive and emotional experience.

Signs and Feedback
In FOR HONOR, there’s no magical "block button" that will prevent you from being hit. When you are locked on an opponent in a duel, you need to carefully read your opponent:

• Look at their stance and react accordingly by moving your weapon using the right stick.

• Brace on the same side they attack, whether it’s on the right, the left, or above.

• Quickly analyze the signs and feedback on screen and stay alert.

If you react at exactly the right moment, you can parry the hit and throw a powerful counterattack to your enemy. Then perform a killer combo using the right stick, which will surprise any opponent standing on your way.

In-game HUD

The interface also shows clear indications of your opponent’s intention through their stance and their weapon’s position. You can then decide whether you block their upcoming attack or throw a hit on the opposing side. Or use the same mechanic to feint an attack and distract your enemy. Our dynamic fight-control philosophy allows players to adapt to any fighter with a fast action-reaction technique.

The Warden Combo

Visceral Feelings of a Swordfight
In a real sword fight, you must think fast and deploy techniques to off-set your opponent. You must counter and strike at optimal moments to survive and declare victory. The ART OF BATTLE system means you can feel the weight of the weapon your hand, the impact of the enemy strike, and the power of delivering the deathblow. ART OF BATTLE creates an incredibly immersive and emotional experience by giving you true control of your actions and your weapon.

This is just a glimpse of the ART OF BATTLE. As the system develops, we’ll keep you updated.

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Emile Gauthier [VIKING], Community Developer