
Join the Sixth Guardian Health fundraising for Worldwide Cancer Research!

The Siege team is excited to continue the Sixth Guardian Program in Y8S3 with a brand-new bundle.

This season, Sixth Guardian is partnering with Worldwide Cancer Research, an organization funding visionary, game-changing cancer research around the world to start new cures. The "Sixth Guardian Health" bundle will feature a full Twitch set, and 100% of net proceeds (no less than $6 USD per bundle) will go to Worldwide Cancer Research

Cancer is a growing, global problem. By 2040, the number of cases worldwide is expected to rise by 55% compared to 2020. But there is hope - by funding more visionary, cutting-edge science, Worldwide Cancer Research can start new cures that will take us one step closer to a day when no life is cut short by cancer.    

This weekend (from September 8th to September 10th), your favorite creators will be joining us to raise cancer research awareness and help raise funds for the cause. A major thanks to the hundreds of creators like BikiniBohdi, Steviix Jenz, TitaniumRolo, Rasco100, Scythe, Rainbow6ItaCom, BRAVENIKA, Reembey, Supr, Garfield, CrossArchon, KingGeorge, FastAnne, JustRyuk, coreRoss, Tomjsherlock who have answered the call from the Ubisoft Creators Program already!

We invite all Rainbow Six Siege creators to join the movement too by streaming or creating content on social media over the weekend.
You can download the Creator kit which include some Twitch Stream overlays here.

It's time to show the world what we can achieve together, make sure to use #Curestarter and @WorldwideCancer when sharing on social for a chance to see your content or stream featured on the Rainbow Six Siege account.


This exclusive bundle features a set of cosmetics for Twitch, all featuring Worldwide Cancer Research's signature colors and Sixth Guardian branding. Specifically, the set includes: 

  • "Sixth Guardian Health" Uniform 

  • "Sixth Guardian Health" Headgear 

  • "Sixth Guardian Health"" Background Card 

  • "Sixth Guardian Health" Charm 

The bundle is available for a limited time over the course of two seasons!


Worldwide Cancer Research starts new cures for cancer. Since Worldwide Cancer Research was founded in 1979, they have funded over £200m of pioneering research in 35 different countries.  

There are still so many unanswered questions about cancer, and so many more discoveries to make. Worldwide Cancer Research keeps pushing forward to fund more outside-the-box thinking from more world-class researchers - something that they simply cannot achieve without their incredible supporters, Curestarters.  Become a Curestarter to help fund visionary, game-changing research around the world, and take us one step closer to a day when no life is cut short by cancer.  

Learn more about Worldwide Cancer Research - https://www.worldwidecancerresearch.org/


All net proceeds from your donations will go to Worldwide Cancer Research, with no less than $6 USD per bundle going to the charity. 

If you'd like to support Worldwide Cancer Research further, click here.


"Ubisoft and the players of Rainbow Six Siege share a common desire with Worldwide Cancer Research to pioneer innovations and take a calculated approach to potential game-changing solutions. We're absolutely delighted to be partnering with them on this campaign, and we are incredibly grateful for their support." 

- Dr Helen Rippon, Worldwide Cancer Research CEO 


Since the program's launch in 2020, together with our community, we have raised over 425,000 $ USD! Big thanks once again to our past Sixth Guardian partners: AbleGamers Charity, Stack Up, Indspire, ILGA World and Ecologi. 

Together with our partners, we hope to unite the Rainbow Six Siege community and make positive changes outside of our game.

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