Here you can find the fixes for the Y10S1.1 patch.
FIXED - End-of-match actions won't be recorded for players who disconnect then reconnect during the match.
FIXED - Several operators' left hands clip through specific secondary weapons during the reload animation when the operator is in a prone position.
FIXED - Rauora's D.O.M. Panel can't be deployed when the operator is facing the front side of the deployable shield.
FIXED - Deploying a breach charge near the trigger for Rauora's D.O.M. Panel closes the flaps.
FIXED - No points are awarded when successfully deploying Rauora's D.O.M. Panel.
FIXED - Rauora's D.O.M. Panel trigger does not open if the panel is closed on top of a drone.
FIXED - Rauora's D.O.M. Panel won't deploy properly on doorways on a lower level if fired through a hatch.
FIXED - Rauora's D.O.M. Panel won't deploy properly if fired through small hole in a wall.
FIXED - Raurora's D.O.M. Panel crosshair remains visible when using Observation Tools.
FIXED - Maestro's Evil Eye red laser light is improperly positioned, obstructing the player's field of view when using the camera at specific angles.
FIXED - Incorrect message appears in the "Ankle Biter" drone skin description.