Creative Spotlight #2 : Aspira

As you all know, there are a lot of creative minds in the Rainbow Six Community and this time we will have a look at the amazing Cosplays of Aspira!

Hello Aspira! Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for us!

Please introduce yourself and tell us—who are you outside of Rainbow Six Siege?

**Aspira: **Outside of my cosplays I am just an ordinary 24-year-old girl that likes video games. I live near Stuttgart in Germany and I work as a marketing manager in a hotel. One day, I would want to work in the video game industry—that’s a big dream of mine. When I’m not working or studying, I enjoy playing video games, airsoft, watching movies and shows, going to the gym, and going to events with my friends. I’m not so into makeup or dresses—instead I love hoodies and weapons!

What got you into cosplay and when did you start?

Aspira: I started to cosplay in 2011. I was into anime back then and was a member of the platform animexx.de, which focuses on fan content. I found out about cosplay there and learned how it aims to recreate a character through dressing up. And I’ve always loved dressing up! So I decided that I’d cosplay Ino Yamanaka from Naruto at a German convention. I went to my grandmother and told her I had to learn to sew. She gladly showed me how and together we made my very first cosplay.

What is your favourite thing about cosplaying?

Aspira: My favourite thing about cosplaying is that I feel awesome when I’m wearing my cosplays! I am not as cool as the characters that I cosplay, so when putting on the costume, I can slip into a role and I feel empowered. I’ve also met all my friends—even my boyfriend—through cosplaying. It connects me to so many wonderful people in the world and makes me a part of a great community. I couldn’t be happier about that and I do not want to miss any part of it.

What’s the hardest thing about building a Cosplay?

Aspira: Not necessarily the hardest but the most time consuming part is actually the research. It takes me weeks, or even months, to study the character from head to toe. What is he wearing? Can I buy that? Where? Do I have to make it myself? With what kind of materials? How? I look at every single detail and plan how I’m going to realise it. If you have a solid plan, the actual building phase is mostly not that much of a hassle. The hardest part for me is the financial side. My cosplays are quite expensive due to its accuracy and realistic approach, which is why I can’t make too many cosplays each year.

We know creating costumes like yours is a long time commitment. Tell us about your process of creating a Cosplay.

Aspira: The first phase is the research, which I described earlier. Then, I’ll start to buy the materials I’ll need to make the cosplay. This takes some time as well because mostly I can’t buy it all at the same time. Afterwards, I’ll start with the actual building phase and work on the cosplay. I like to start with one detail first and complete it, and then work on the next part until they’re all finished. Then it is time for assembly. Putting the pouches on the vest, adding the patches, adjusting the holster—stuff like that. I always try to test wear it once to check if it all fits, but most of the time there is no time left and I end up doing that at the event :) This whole process of creating a cosplay takes several months.

When did you first learn about Rainbow Six Siege?

Aspira: I first learned about Rainbow Six Siege at a convention in 2016. A friend of mine told me about the game and showed me a picture of Valkyrie, saying that she would be the perfect character for me. I was blown away by the realistic style and how fierce she looked. Later my friends and I started playing it and we also started planning our first Siege cosplays, which we premiered at the Pro League Finals, Gamescom 2017.

Who is your favourite operator?

**Aspira: **I always ask if this is about my favourite operator or my main. While I’m a typical Ash main, my favourite operator at the moment is Nomad. I love her design. She is such a strong and formidable woman. Her backstory impressed and inspired me with all the travelling she has done and how she never gave up. Plus, her gadget is a lot of fun and the AK-74 has a lot of style. I also love Alibi’s look and backstory very much, but Nomad is currently my number one.

What do you like about cosplaying Rainbow Six specifically?

Aspira: I love strong characters with a realistic design and Siege has all of this! Plus, I always cosplay the game/series/show that I currently enjoy and connect with most. I’ve been a part of the Siege community for two years and I love being involved. I made so many friends and I do not only love the game and community, but I also enjoy watching the esports side of the game. I have made five Siege cosplays so far. Ubisoft never ceases to develop and release great characters so I basically have no choice other than to continue to cosplay Siege!

Which Costume are you most proud of?

Aspira: That question is impossible to answer for me. I put a lot into my cosplays: time, money, passion, nerves, blood, and sweat. I love them all and I can never say I am more proud of a particular cosplay. But, my most recent costume is usually my current favourite!

Tell us about your best Rainbow Six experience.

Aspira: My best Rainbow Six Siege experience was my first Six Invitational in February 2018. I had never been to a big eSports event before and I didn’t know a lot of people personally back then. I’d also never would have thought I’d visit Canada. So when my friends and I got invited, it felt like winning the lottery. The whole weekend was like a dream come true. The atmosphere cannot be fully described with words, but the air was full with passion, excitement and love. I met all these amazing people: fans, devs, pro players, content creators—everyone contributing to the community. I have goosebumps simply from thinking about it.

What would you like for the future of the game?

Aspira: Well, I hope it only gets bigger and bigger—and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop any time soon. I love watching the community grow, especially the Siege cosplay community—and seeing us all support each other. It’s also very nice for cosplayers to get support at events—like having a changing room and water supply—which is what we got at this year’s Six Invitational. Later on I hope that cosplays and fan content in general gets more and more recognition within the community and at events like the Pro League finals. It’s nice to feel the community valuing the efforts and passion put into fan content!

Thank you so much for answering our questions, Aspira! Please check their stuff on Twitter or their Instagram and give them a Follow!

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