2025 March 6

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For Honor Warrior's Den Recap - Y9S1: Ascend

-FH- News - Warrior-s Den Recap Y9S1 - Y9S1 Ascend

Welcome to Year 9! Theaters of War

The first Warrior's Den of Year 9 launched with a bang, unveiling the roadmap for the year (see Year 9 article link) and showcasing the content coming in Y9S1: Ascend. This year will bring everything from new heroes and time-limited game modes to balance updates and quality-of-life improvements, this show delivered an exciting start to the new year.

For more details we suggest checking out the VOD for Y9 Reveal Warrior's Den Livestream.

-FH- News - Warrior-s Den Recap Y9S1 - Roadmap TU1

Y9S1: Ascend - A Battle for Survival

The season's lore takes us into the arena of the Khatun Guljin, where Queen Kalliopi and Astrea fight as an unlikely duo for their survival.

-FH- News - Warrior-s Den Recap Y9S1 - Kalliopi

New Hero Skin: Queen Kalliopi

Once the leader of a fierce tribe of female riders, Queen Kalliopi now reigns over Khatun Guljin's arena. Defeated and bound, Kalliopi turned her chains into a crown. Her unmatched skill and magnetic presence have made her a crowd favorite, with chants of her name echoing through the stands as she topples opponents against impossible odds.

-FH- News - Warrior-s Den Recap Y9S1 - Y9S1 Battle Pass

Battle Pass & Legacy Pass

A new season brings new rewards, and Y9S1 does not disappoint. Warriors will have the chance to claim striking new customization items, from dazzling outfits to powerful executions. The Battle Pass introduces a fierce new aesthetic inspired by the gladiatorial struggles within Khatun Guljin's arena, allowing fighters to embody the spirit of survival and dominance. Meanwhile, the Legacy Pass revives fan-favorite Horkos-themed cosmetics from Y5S1, bringing a touch of the past back into the battlefield. Whether you're looking to intimidate your foes or celebrate your victories in style, these passes offer something for every warrior.

-FH- News - Warrior-s Den Recap Y9S1 - Khatun's Triumph Free Event Pass

New Event with Limited-Time Game Mode 2v2v2:

A major highlight of Y9S1 is the new 2v2v2 mode "Bound by Blood", inspired by the success of the 1v1v1 mode. Players will team up with a partner to fight against two other teams in intense battles. We are excited to see how different hero combinations will play out.

The Free Event Pass: Khatun's Triumph runs from March 13th to April 3rd
The arena roars as warriors step into the ring, each vying for glory under the watchful eye of Khatun Guljin. With the Free Event Pass, players can embrace the spirit of the Colosseum, earning unique rewards that capture the brutal elegance of the battlefield. From striking new outfits to chilling mood effects, this pass allows every combatant to showcase their dominance and unwavering resolve. Will you rise as a champion, or fall as another forgotten contender?

-FH- News - Warrior-s Den Recap Y9S1 - Hero Fest

Hero Fests

Hero Fests will run for a week, offering bonus XP and a unique execution for each of these Heroes.

  • Shaolin: April 3rd
  • Varangian Guard: April 10th
  • Aramusha: April 17th

Armor Variations

This season introduces a fresh set of armor variations exclusively for the Knight faction, bringing new designs that reflect the battle-worn resilience and noble heritage of these warriors. These armor sets aim to offer both aesthetic diversity and thematic depth, allowing players to customize their heroes with a renewed sense of identity on the battlefield.

Quality-of-Life Updates

This season brings a lot of improvements designed to enhance the player experience. The UI team has revamped the multiplayer menu for better accessibility, making it easier to jump into matches. A new quick match prompt has been added to the landing menu, streamlining navigation for those eager to get straight into battle. The Faction War screen has also been updated to provide clearer and more engaging information.

Customization has seen major upgrades as well, with more loadout slots now available, the ability to customize material color by body part, and a new "Equip for All" option for Mood Effects, allowing for greater flexibility in personalizing heroes. Meanwhile, the scoreboard now includes online performance icons and a cooldown timer display for feats, giving players better real-time insights into their matches.

Testing Grounds: Berserker Feats

The next Testing Grounds session will focus on revising Berserker's feats, available starting April 3rd - April 10th.

Balance & Patch Notes

The latest balance patch includes various hero and gameplay adjustments, continuing the developers' commitment to refining the competitive experience.

Special Announcements & Community Initiatives

  • Hero Changes for March 13th:

    • Hero prices in stores is now $9.99 USD/EUR (prices in steel in-game remains the same as before)
    • Gold and Ultimate Bundles are now $39.99 USD/EUR
  • Earth Day Emote (April 17-24)

A limited-time Tree Planting Emote inspired by the community's love for the "removed tree" from the Viking Village map will be available. All Proceeds go to Ecologi to support environmental efforts: https://ecologi.com/

Looking Ahead

The show wrapped up with a look at upcoming content for March, including weekly Arcade Quests, event orders, and more. As a friendly reminder, we encourage you to check out the VOD on our Twitch channel, where you'll find a more in-depth look at what's to come.

That's it for the first Warrior's Den of Year 9! Get ready to ascend into battle, experience the new 2v2v2 mode, and explore all the latest customization and balance updates. See you on the battlefield!


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