9 10 2018

Space Monkey Report #3


Our official BGE2 livestream returns November 7 2018!

Hello Space Monkeys,

We need some more time than anticipated to prepare everything we wanted to share in our next Space Monkey Report. For that reason, the livestream is delayed and is now scheduled to happen Wednesday November 7th, 2018 at 6:00 PM CET / 9:00 AM PST.

We look forward to sharing the latest Space Monkey news with you!

Since we launched the Space Monkey Program last year, over 300,000 people have joined the ranks of Space Monkeys and, chances are, you’re one of them!


You have inspired us by sharing your ideas, creativity and passion, as well as by giving us your valuable feedback about what’s being developed for Beyond Good & Evil 2. We also had the pleasure of meeting some of you Space Monkeys in person at events such as E3 and China Joy, and we appreciate your engagement in helping to make BGE2 the game you want through your artistic and musical contributions via our collaborative partnership with HitRECord.

We are beyond thrilled to see the community grow so massively and, to celebrate the dedication everyone has shown, we’re happy to announce our next Space Monkey Report to be livestreamed on Twitch, YouTube and Facebook Live Wednesday November 7, 2018 at 6:00 PM CET / 9:00 AM PST.

We will be giving you an update on what we’ve been up to as well as some exciting details about BGE Fest!

他の『Beyond Good and Evil 2』チャンネルにアクセス