19 6 2019

Space Monkey Report #5 Livestream: Your Questions Answered


We want to thank all of you who joined the Space Monkey Program. There are now over 630,000 Space Monkeys! We’re very proud and happy to have you supporting us.

In our last livestream, Space Monkey Report #5, we shared updates on the world of Beyond Good & Evil 2. We also explained that we will be fully focusing on core development milestones this year, as well as expanding the team with Ubisoft Paris joining the five studios already working on Beyond Good and Evil 2.

If you missed Space Monkey Report #5, you can read the following in-depth recap or catch the full stream here:

We will continue sharing updates on BGE2’s development, world-building and characters, and getting the community’s thoughts and feedback remain a vital part of the Space Monkey Program.

As promised during the livestream, we have the answers to some of the questions you asked us in the chat during our Space Monkey Report #5!


What’s the correct pronunciation for “Diwalite”? Two versions were heard. (Kl00k606)

• The correct pronunciation in English is: “dee-va-light”. To learn more about this precious resource, check out our article about Diwalite.

Can I be a hybrid slave master? (LordofZ)

• The game offers you the opportunity to play a Space Pirate Captain, but it’s up to you to decide what kind of pirate you want to be. So, if you want to treat hybrids poorly, it’s a choice among many others, but this could lead to consequences…

Can you play as an evil pirate lord? (Caustic_Blade)

• There’s no “right” way to play a Space Pirate in Beyond Good and Evil 2. As the name of the game implies, pirates are never easily categorized, so playing as an “evil pirate captain” is certainly an option.

Only male clones? Are there any female clones? (MettZilla)

• To create clones in System 3, there is an equal number of male and female DNA strains. For example, there is a female as well as a male hybrid monkey DNA strain.

Can I just be a human? (Kittyattackship)

• Yes, of course, you can play as a human! At the beginning of the game, you will be able to choose your physical appearance among different human and hybrid DNA strains.

So I guess there will be no children in System 3? (Hydre39)

• Exactly, human and hybrid clones are born with adult physical characteristics, so there are no real children per se in System 3.

Is Jade a clone? (LordofZ)

• There’s something special about Jade, isn’t there? But it’s too soon for us to reveal more about this character…

Do you have to be taught to be a pirate? Aren’t you supposed to choose what you want to be? (Kl00k606)

• There are many different ways to become a Space Pirate (we described but one example, being rescued by a pirate, during the livestream), but in the beginning every pirate must learn the ropes and this starts with the Primera ritual.

Space Pirate Tigers? Can I play a rhino? (Midnight_Fondler and Riosebalde)

Hybrid tigers and hybrid rhinos are part of the DNA strain choices in Beyond Good and Evil 2, so you’re free to play as a Space Pirate Hybrid Tiger or Rhino!

Will the camera still play a huge part in gameplay? I loved discovering and taking pictures of various wildlife. (Wazithepa)

• Since you’re playing a Space Pirate in Beyond Good and Evil 2, your new way of getting information about the world around you is through your spyglass. To see the spyglass in action, check out our pre-alpha gameplay demo in Space Monkey Report #4

Besides Jade and Pey’J, will we see any other characters from the first Beyond Good and Evil appear here? (GrumpyGlitch)

• Like the appearance of the Alpha Sections in our E3 2018 cinematic trailer and the return of the Mammago clan in BGE2, keep your eyes open for more familiar faces from Beyond Good and Evil

Will there be more opportunities to contribute to HITRECORD challenges? (Iris_Network)

• Yes, we’re extending our community collaboration project with HITRECORD and will be providing more information about this soon.

Hornaments? (HeyTrey_Live)

• We like this play-on-words a lot for the Mammago hybrid rhino concept art we showed! Like “hornaments,” we’re looking to have an array of character customization options available for players to personalize their characters (which is important in a world of clones!).

We hope you found our Space Monkey Report #5 livestream and these follow-up questions insightful. We will continue to update you on the world and characters the BGE2 team is working on. Let us know what you think in the comments or on the forums!

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