29 novembre 2023

The Crew Motorfest Season 2 Quality of Life Improvements – November 29th

Hey Festival-goers,

We just want to start off by saying a big thank you to all our players!

Whether you have been here since The Crew or just recently joined us on The Crew Motorfest, we are so grateful for your continued support.  We also want to give a big shoutout to all of you who participated in the Insider Program for The Crew Motorfest a few months ago, and to all the fans who are still helping us to improve the game by sharing their thoughts on our social media platforms, on Discord or Reddit. We couldn't have done it without you all!

Your feedback is instrumental for our teams to plan out priorities for changes to the game, for months to come. You've been committed for years to making The Crew a better franchise, and in return, the time has come for us to share our vision of improvements and long-term Quality of Life support with you as well.

Our goal is to foster a strong culture of incorporating player feedback at Ivory Tower. We want to let you all know that we are listening and taking action in production, it's a full-time job and we know it takes time. This is why we really appreciate your understanding and all your patience.

Starting with Season 2, as you can see today, each update will be supported by full and detailed patch notes to dive into all the changes and fixes coming to The Crew Motorfest, as well as a content overview so you can all get a good picture of what's to come. This article is the first of a series, sharing updates about long term quality of life and quality of service improvements.

To get us started, here is an update about some of the most requested changes coming in Season 2!


We have heard you loud and clear! We are going to give you the ability to toggle Replayers (also known as Ghost Cars) on or off in Season 2.

[TCM] News Article – Season 2 Quality of Life Improvements 23-11-29 - 07_REPLAYERS_V2 TEST


We know some of you have voiced their will to customize your guidance even more, so we're giving you the possibility to tweak CARA's voice settings:

  • Switch Guidance ON/OFF
  • Switch Playlist Introductions ON/OFF
  • Switch extra voice lines ON/OFF

[TCM] News Article – Season 2 Quality of Life Improvements 23-11-29 - Cara OFF Guide


In Season 2 we will be giving you the ability to switch parts between vehicles of the same category.

[TCM] News Article – Season 2 Quality of Life Improvements 23-11-29 - Switch Parts B&A Wide


We have also understood that our current reward flow for the game may feel too long. We have reworked it to give you all a better understanding of the rewards you get after your activities, we've shortened the duration, and this new flow will allow you to compare yourself with your friends.

[TCM] News Article – Season 2 Quality of Life Improvements 23-11-29 - Reward Flow B&A Wide

We also want to bring some clarity and information on other topics you have brought to our attention:


We're bringing some changes to livery reporting in Season 2. We have changed the rules for moderation to create a fairer system, as an example we have reviewed the criteria for liveries to be deleted. We are also going to be bringing a confirmation pop up to players in the livery menu, to avoid accidental reporting. There will be more changes to which we will elaborate more on in the patch notes.


We have already addressed some of these issues with the latest update on Oct 25th. In Season 2 we will be adding extra modifications linked to rewind and accessibility options. We're also working on long term changes to:

  • Better control the experience to avoid activities that can be too repetitive but also allow to gain experience and bucks on the long run.
  • Improve the global experience of these activities for all players to create a more balanced one.


Currently we have tech limitations to allow cross play on free roam. For the time being we aren't looking to add this feature in Free Ride.


While we love long-term progression in our game, we don't want to make it too long for our players.

We've looked at the data, and we've decided to make some minor changes to the loot experience in Season 2. But these changes won't be the only ones, and we intend to apply updates to the system to have a more balanced experience for the next Seasons to come. For more details on these changes, please check the patch notes when they come out next week.


We believe that the experience of our game is linked to its live aspect, and traffic is a part of it even if it can bring unpredictability. While the changes coming to Replayer Cars (Ghost Cars) in free ride aren't aimed at modifying the experience in feats, they will help tune down the perception of traffic.


Regarding PvP, today we're focusing on improving the quality of the existing experience before adding new layers to it. For the Grand Race, we'll be adding new paths in Season 2 as well as an anti-AFK mode and we'd like to go further in our next seasons.

We can't wait for you all to jump into Season 2 of The Crew Motorfest on December 6th! In the meantime, patch notes will be available for you next week, along with a content overview article to go over everything coming your way when Season 2 goes live.

We will continue to listen and to improve the experience for years to come, and we are so happy you are with us on this journey.

See you on the road Festival-goers!

  • The Crew Motorfest Team

  1. For more information on The Crew®, check our official website. Join the The Crew® community on the forumsRedditTC Social, and Discord and be sure to follow us on Twitch to never miss a livestream. Videos highlighted by our in-game sharing tool can be seen on the official The Crew® Community Videos channel.


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