7 March, 2024

5 mins de lecture

Warrior’s Den Recap March 7, 2024

Welcome Warrior's to Year 8 of For Honor! This article will highlight everything discussed throughout the previous Warrior's Den. We've got some information on Year 8 you won't want to miss!

For more details we suggest checking out the VOD for Y8 Reveal Warrior's Den Livestream.

[FH] News - WD Recap Mar 7 - Year 8 Visions

Year 8 Forged in War

Year 8 of For Honor is called "Forged in War." Under this theme, we're going to explore the most valuable asset in the world of war, the weapons. Our weapons define how we fight and remind us of what we fight for. Throughout Year 8, we are going to explore four stories that unfold around legendary weapons. In some cases these legends are forged through the actions of our heroes and in other cases our heroes may pick up a weapon that already has a legend embedded within which will bring on an entirely new challenge, living up to the weapons name. 

[FH] News - WD Recap Mar 7 - KWM_FHY8_ROADMAP_Final_1920x1080

Year 8 New Features

During the Warrior's Den, we went over some new features coming to year 8. This includes Converted Maps, Legacy Pass, Rep 80, Arcade Mode free for everyone and some new offers for new players!

New maps is something that has been highly requested by the community so we are very pleased to announce that in Y8S1 TU2, Cathedral will be converted into a Dominion map. Another new feature coming to For Honor in Year 8 is the Legacy Pass. For Year 8, we are bringing back older battle passes and allowing new players to get the content they potentially missed out on. We've also increased the reputation level from 70 to 80. Of course, this means we are releasing a new reward, we really wanted to give our most dedicated players another opportunity to shine.

We will also be making Arcade mode available for all players starting March 14th. This means that all players will now have access to weekly Arcade Quests. All players will have the opportunity to unlock many different rewards for free.

For more a more detailed breakdown of all the new features coming to Year 8, we suggest either checking out the Vision video recap article, or checking out the Year 8 Reveal Warrior's Den.

Year 8 Season 1 Details

[FH] News - WD Recap Mar 7 - FH_Y8S1_S29_Season_Keyart_1920x1080

Season 1 is titled "Swords of Ashfield" This season revolves around the Unsung Knight, A lone Warden fighting for resources to help the survivors of the Cataclysm. Once apart of great empire of chivalrous Knights, their legacy lives on through an ancient sword passed down through generations of noble warriors. The Unsung Knight is the sword's last wielder and is now fighting to ensure the safety of the weak against the ravagers of all factions.

[FH] News - WD Recap Mar 7 - FH_Hero_Roadmap74_March_V4

Here is a roadmap where you can see everything coming in Y8S1. We've got a new limited time game mode titled "Last Hero Standing", with a free event pass, a new Hero Skin called "The Unsung Knight", a new Battle Pass and for the first time ever, a Legacy Pass. We have 3 hero fests coming up, Warden on April 4th, Centurion on April 11th and Peacekeeper on April 18th. We also have a throwback event "Rite of Champions" taking place April 11 - 18th.

 The Testing Grounds will be opening March 21st and will go over some new anti-gank tech. Additionally, we had a patch notes segment that went over Peacekeeper and Medjay re-integration. For a more detailed look into the Testing Grounds as well as the Patch Notes segment, we highly suggest checking out the VOD.

New Hero Skin

[FH] News - WD Recap Mar 7 - warden hero skin

"The Unsung Knight" is our new Warden hero skin and will be available March 14th for 25,000 steel. This skin is something that has been requested by the community, a large inspiration derived from the Warden in the first cinematic story . We wanted to tap into the roots of the game and the nostalgia of where the knights came from. For more details on "The Unsung Knight" we suggest checking out the Year 8 Season 1 Details segment.

New Time Limited Game Mode

[FH] News - WD Recap Mar 7 - FHY8S1_Launch_Event_Last_Hero_Standing_Keyart_v3_1920x1080

During the Warrior's Den, we announced our new limited time game "Last Hero Standing" mode coming at the launch of Y8S1 titled "Last Hero Standing" This is a 1v1v1 free for all where every warrior will need to fend for themselves. The first player to win 3 rounds, wins the match. This game mode is only accessible through matchmaking and is solo queue only.

The game mode will be available from March 14th to April 4th and will have a free event pass that will be available for all players. Below are some of the rewards from the Free Event Pass.

  • Battle Outfit: Ancient Unity 
  • Ornament: Golden Unity 
  • Mood Effect: Knights United 

This was a brief recap of what was shown on the Warrior's Den on March 7th. As a friendly reminder, we encourage you to check out the VOD on our Twitch channel as this is where you will find a more in-depth look at what is to come in Year 8 Season 1. Otherwise, see you on the battlefield warriors.

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