For Honor: Vortiger

Mt. Ignis’ eruption sent shockwaves through the lands. From out of this chaos rises a dark sect long forgotten. The Black Priors were once dark warriors of Apollyon and the Blackstone Legion. After the collapse of the Blackstone, the Black Priors disappeared. Some say they were wiped out, others say they fled the lands. But now, as new chaos shakes the lands, the Black Priors re-emerge. Led by their grim leader, Vortiger, these warriors, unbound by chivalry, promise victory to the any means necessary.


New Heroes

The Black Priors are heavy heroes who wield the large kite shield and longsword. These dark agents fight alongside the Knights but are free from the code of chivalry. Whatever victory’s cost, the Black Priors will pay the price. Once Apollyon’s faithful warriors, today they fight with their leader, Vortiger, reinventing their legacy and bringing fresh chaos to the battlefield.

Hero Improvements

With the launch of Year 3 Season 1, the Shugoki, Peacekeeper and Warlord, will receive major updates. These changes will not only refresh the experience for these specific heroes but aims to better the overall balance of the game.

New Map: Harbor

The battlefield expands with an all-new Map: The Harbor.

Contenido Recomendado

Pase De Batalla

El intrépido Gudmundr el Grande entregó su vida para proteger a los vikingos. Tras su sacrificio, sus hermanos y hermanas celebraron un funeral en honor al Huscarle caído. Los vikingos forjaron nuevas armas con las que rendir homenaje al escudo de Svengard. No las querían para luchar, sino como señal de respeto en aquella noche solemne. Gudmundr el Grande había ido su protector y aquellas armas asegurarían la continuación de su legado.

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Nuevo personaje Sohei

Los sohei son monjes guerreros que blanden siete armas. Bajo la tutela de Oniwaka y el maestro Katashi, alcanzan la maestría espiritual y marcial en las profundidades de un monasterio del Myre. Para ganarse el título de sohei deben entrenarse con una sola arma durante años antes de que se les permita pasar a la siguiente.