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5 August 20243 minutos de lectura

Desvelada la hoja de ruta poslanzamiento de Star Wars Outlaws™

Descubre más sobre el contenido del pase de temporada del juego de mundo abierto de Star Wars, con dos paquetes de historia, una misión exclusiva y objetos cosméticos.

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4 November 20244 minutos de lectura

Star Wars Outlaws - Dev Update #1 - Pushing into hyperdrive

We’d like to welcome you to our first Dev Update, focusing on bringing you regular insights from our developers as we continue to support Star Wars™️ Outlaws past its launch.

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24 October 20248 minutos de lectura

Star Wars Outlaws - Title Update 1.3.0

Title Update 1.3.0 is now deployed. Read a detailed list of fixes and adjustments that came with this patch.

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3 October 20249 minutos de lectura

Star Wars Outlaws - Title Update 1.2

Title Update 1.2 is now deployed. Read a detailed list of fixes and adjustments that came with this patch.

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2 October 20243 minutos de lectura

Star Wars Outlaws Art Blast

The Star Wars Outlaws team is thrilled to give you an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the creative process behind the game’s artwork!

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10 September 20245 minutos de lectura

Star Wars Outlaws: actualización 1.1.2

Ya está lista la actualización 1.1.2. Aquí tenéis una lista detallada de todos los arreglos y ajustes que vienen con este parche.

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30 August 20241 minutos de lectura

Hotfix V1.1.1

A Hotfix is available to our PC players

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