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November 6, 2018

Agent Highlights: Convention Season

Greetings Agents,

Your Agent Highlights article is here! Many conventions took place in October, which gave us the opportunity to view your amazing creations and meet many of you in person at PAX Australia, Paris Games Week, IgroMir and UbiDay!

You probably know how it works by now: all featured Agents will receive an in-game gift of 1000 Phoenix Credits.


As it was convention season last month, it's safe to assume that cosplays had a big presence. Let's start with Tri_San who returns with his iconic cosplays straight from UbiDay.


Spot on Agent!

It wouldn't be Agent Highlights without a piece by Area The Fox! As always, taking cosplay to further levels, we just love how real this shot feels!


Flawless! It reignites the fight for NYC!

Next we have Beebsteen, who stopped by the Base of Operations for a quick mission briefing to find it being decontaminated.


You'll have to wait for a while before seeing Fay Lau, Agent.

From the land down under, we have our Agents: AussieKrispy and DB The Division.


Nice work securing the area. We never had any doubt in our Aussie Agents!

Our infamous Hunter, Moonlight1907, does not seem happy with the progress that our Agents have been making.


Agents, hostiles are approaching!

Lastly, we have the duo Goose and Kenga. We are always inspired by the level of creativity that our community possesses. These two Agents just keep surprising us with every new piece they create.


Well done Agents, and keep them coming!


Moving on to our Fan Art section, we have an interesting piece by Vectorek. Looking at The Division world through the eyes of different community members is always fascinating. These detailed Anime-style illustrations are one-of-a-kind.


Check out more of Vectorek's work here!

Next we have the "Global Aftermath Fan Project" by Reynaldo Siqueira. We would absolutely love to see how this project unravels; examining how the world might be portrayed after such a disaster. For now, we leave you with Reynaldo's piece.


We can't wait to see more of this!

Our Hunter expert, Helary Mael, is back with another epic Hunter masterpiece!


Bring it on!


We will be kicking off the Fan Creation section with a collaboration between The0Pro (cosplay) and Nadya Marchenko (photographer).

Beautiful shot with an amazing pose!


We are all familiar with how the next 90 seconds feels.

Max's artistic side is on the rise, as we get another The Division inspired song! We'll leave you with it while you enjoy the rest of this month's Agent Highlights.

Area The Fox don't seem very pleased with the emotes in-game, so they have decided to add one of their own!

Nice balancing skills!

Meanwhile, one of our Agents is very deep in rogue status, and teamed up with Larae Barrett!


M88Gaming, we want to see you back on our side... SOON!


As per usual, it's never an easy task picking out our favourite piece of the month. However, we might just have the perfect one for this article!

We have an amazing short clip by, Gura (Agent), Grar_18tac (Agent) and ChihiroMist (movie). This one comes with a surreal emotion, yet it is very realistic.


Those are some professional moves. Give us more Agents!

With that, we conclude our Agent Highlights for this month. Remember Agents, if you would like to be featured in next month's Agent Highlights article, don't forget to tweet your creations with the hashtag #AgentHighlights.

ATTENTION: Agents, please follow @TheDivisionGame on Twitter so we can get in touch with you for the rewards.

Thank you from all of us!

Until next time,

The Division Community Team