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June 12, 2023

Regional Beta Patch Notes


With the upcoming Regional Beta, we are happy to introduce a few changes to the game detailed below in our very first patch-notes.


New Main Mission

New main missions have been added so you can keep discovering and enjoying more of the core story in The Division Resurgence.

New Story Side Mission

25 new Story Side Missions have been added to the game, to challenge yourself alone or as a team!

New World Activity: Enemy Nests

A new activity has been added in the open world: find and clear out "Enemy Nests" on your own or as a squad.

Clan Assignment: Hostile Nest Investigation

Obtain a nest location clue and find a challenging Hostile Nest hidden in NYC with your clan members that can earn you powerful loot if you manage to clear it.

New Specialization: Field Medic

You can now choose a new Specialization: the Field Medic. A Field Medic is an expert in biological warfare and is equally skilled at healing ally team members, or at creating hostile environments that damage and disrupt enemies.


Time Of Day and Weather

A day and night cycle as well as different types of weathers have been added to the open world, making your experience in New York City even more immersive.

Onboarding features

  • New System: Agent Manual
    • You can now see which missions and objectives are most suitable for you to undertake in your Agent's Manual.
    • Finishing the objectives in this manual will provide you with great rewards.
  • New System: Specialization Training
    • In this new system, finish varied objectives using each specialization to unlock exclusive rewards.
  • New Agent Training
    • Finish different objectives in this daily event to unlock an awesome final reward.

Agent Customization

New preset character faces, as well as customization options for the skin color and hairstyle have been added to the game, available during your initial character creation. You can now customize your own agent even further!


More audio logs, artifacts, and echo events have been added to the game. Try to find them to better understand what happened during the outbreak, as well as learn more about the world of The Division.

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Melee Attack

Your character can now perform melee attacks to deal with enemies that are in close quarters.

OS Protocol

You can now find and equip OS Protocols to enhance your combat effectiveness, as well as change your playstyle. There are many types of OS Protocols with different rarities, each of them not only gives you direct stat bonuses, but also provides you with a special Talent that can alter your Specialization gameplay style.

Armory updates

New weapons have been added in the armory for the agents to research and build.

Skill Mod updates

90 new mods are being added in this patch. Skill mods can change the way skills are used allowing Agents can freely match your skill mods to obtain your own gameplay style.

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You can now add other players as friends and interact with them more conveniently.

Voice Chat

A Voice Chat option will allow you to better plan your engagements with other players in-game.

Interact with other players

An overlayed interaction button, visible when looking at another player's character, allows you to directly inspect their equipment, as well as invite them to your team and add them as a friend.

Item source display

It is now much easier to understand how to obtain different materials and items in the game thanks to item tooltips and new menus where the items are displayed.


A new battle interface has been added and is exclusive to controllers only, giving controller users a better game experience.

The operation logic and trigger adaptation for controllers have been optimized.

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The cover system has been improved helping you get the most out of playing strategically.


The explorable area of the Dark Zone has been expanded.

Team mode is now available in the Dark Zone.

More Landmarks, Extraction Zones, Extremely Contaminated Area (ECA) and Enemy Leaders have been added in the Dark Zone.

Safe houses have been introduced into the Dark Zone.

The Landmarks Enemies' difficulty has been optimized.

The loot and chest rewards in the Dark Zone have been adjusted.

[TDR] Patch Notes News - Darkzone


We have adjusted the match-making logic according to each agent's performance, and optimized the overall game experience of the conflict mode.


Regional Beta and Purchase Compensation

During the Regional Beta you will be able to test our new monetization systems.

While your account will be reset at the end of each beta phase, all your purchases will be compensated in the form of ingame premium currency at the launch of the game based on how much money they've spent during Regional Beta.

The compensation will be via Premium Credits, automatically credited to the account used during the Regional Beta - simply log in using the same account after launch to receive the compensation.

What's more, we will also include a bonus for any in-app purchases during the Regional Beta. Up to and including the equivalent of 300 USD, players will receive 150% of the Premium Currency value. For the total spent above the equivalent of 300 USD, players will still receive 120% of Premium Currency value!

Introducing: Battle Pass

Earn large amounts of rewards by finishing Battle Pass Quests to level up your Battle Pass. You can also obtain additional premium rewards by unlocking the Premium and Elite Battle Passes.

More premium elements available:

  • More Cosmetics

17 new character apparel sets and 14 new weapon cosmetics have been added into the game for agents to gather, collect, and use to deck themselves out. This will feature the classic Cleaner apparel and 6 sets of Superior weapon cosmetics. We are excited to see your agent in their new outfits!

  • Cosmetic Store
    • The game will now offer more Character cosmetics and weapons sprays for you to choose.
  • Cosmetic Draw
    • You can now obtain cool-looking Character cosmetics by participating in Cosmetic Draw events.
  • Monthly Card
    • By purchasing the Monthly Card, you can earn a large quantity of Premium Credits immediately and extra Phoenix Credits daily, as well as unlock more space in your inventory.
  • Agent Career Advancement - Growth Fund
    • By purchasing the Growth Fund, you can get extra rewards when you get level up.
  • Limited-Time Packages
    • The game will now offer you great value but time-limited packages for purchase when you play the game.
  • SHD Sealed Cache
    • You can now obtain random rewards by purchasing SHD Sealed Caches.

[TDR] Patch Notes News - Cosmetic Hazmat

[TDR] Patch Notes News - Snow Addict

[TDR] Patch Notes News - Skater

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