October 25, 2022

Keep on freestyling!

Rise Riders, for the time has come!

We're at Season 4's mid-point, and it's time for a new update. If you're looking for the Patch Note, here it is! And now, for the details, watch out!


If you followed the events during the first half of Season 4 and opened some hatches, you know something is coming to invade the Republic! All that glitters is gold... Or is it ghoul?
And starting the 26th, we'll count on you to defend the Republic! To face the revenants, the gear of choice will be familiar. If you're already mastering the Juggernaut, Sniper or Spider, dealing with this menace will be a cakewalk! And be sure to do it in style, we'd love to see your best move while dealing with this invasion!
To top it all, you'll find an array of gears and outfits to get your swag on!
Be ready to land some tricks and get some treats!

Snow Skate

As you could see in the trailer during Ubisoft Forward, or in the in-game shop for some time now, the Snow Skate is coming to the republic!
Be ready to explore, grind and land tricks in a whole new way! As the name suggest, the Snow Skate is halfway between a Skateboard and the Snowboard. Allowing you to do some tricks like a skateboard but on the snow!
Rest assured, if you fail your landing, the leash is here to make sure your new toy is still around!
The Snow Skate will be available on 26th for all the year pass owner. This will be the last content for this pass. Other players will be able to purchase it on the 2nd of November.

Shop v2

Speaking of purchase, we know you've been asking for a modification of the shop for a long time. And the time is now!
The new Shop will be divided in a few categories, such as Featured Items, Seasonal items, Toys & BMX, Ubisoft Connect and Republic Coins.
While you're all already familiar with the last 3 categories, here are more details for the first 2!
Featured Items will present brand new items every week. That's right, the shop won't rotate every day now. And in this category, we will also bring back some of the best items from previous seasons each week. But what happens to the new items once this category rotates?
They'll land in the Seasonal Items category. That means if you're looking for a specific new outfit for a week, but you don't have any bucks to get it, or if you miss a week, you'll be able to see it in the Seasonal Items after, until the end of the season.
And finally, your voice matters even more! For this new shop, if we see a lot of requests for a specific outfit, there's high chances it might be back to grab!
We can't wait to see what you think of this new shop!

And much more!

With this new update, we're also bringing more new content, and changes! Odyssey will come to increase the number of Sponsor! This new sponsor will be available for the players with the BMX careers. They'll be able to enjoy 2 brand-new stunts!
As part of this update, be brought some fix and improvements to the game, as you can see in the patch note. We reworked the rag doll physic. As it could allow some riders to skip some parts of the races.

Anniversary week

And the final point for this update, we'll keep having more themed weeks and one week for this update is very important!
We'll dedicate an entire week to celebrate Riders Republic 1-year anniversary! But we need to be secretive on the details for now, we don't want to spoil the surprise for Brett!
We hope to see you all in the Ridge for this anniversary week!


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