Operation Phantom Sight | Saisons | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft (US)

Operation Phantom Sight is coming our way, and it brings with it two haunting operators, Nøkk and Warden. Both of them greatly skilled specialists, they bring Rainbow Six to new heights with a steadfast and dangerous approach. Phantom Sight also brings with it a refreshing rework of Kafe Dostoyevsky.

Additionally, there are a few gameplay updates worthy of mention. The Reverse Friendly Fire feature is getting an upgrade, and the shop is being refined even more, while the Ranked playlist is also seeing quite a few changes. You will find the specifics as you scroll through the Patch Notes below.

Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey

Director of Rainbow

“Nøkk intrigues me as few career soldiers have...”

Specialist Nøkk was a sure fit for Rainbow from the moment we were made aware of her existence. Truth be told, convincing her that our involvement would be mutually beneficial proved a greater challenge than anticipated, though with her list of deployments some reluctance is to be expected...

“Warden’s situational awareness is exquisite...”

A consummate professional with considerable charm, Specialist Collinn “Warden” mckinley is one of the first civilians ever to be recruited by the Rainbow program, marking his record with what appears to be the latest in a long list of exceptional circumstances...

2 New Operators



Primary Weapon





Secondary Weapon

5.7 USG






Frag Grenade

Impact EMP Grenade


Elena “Mira” Álvarez

Director of R&D

“Counter-intel is vastly underrated, which the HEL corrects with ease...”


HEL Presence Reduction

Nøkk’s gadget is the ultimate form of stealth technology. The HEL is a glove attachment, which, when activated, reduces her ambient noise output and hides her image from the opponents’ observation tools.

Drones, Bulletproof Cameras, Evil Eyes and more will thus be unable to register Nøkk’s presence as she roams through the map, unseen. Her footsteps will be silenced as she stalks opposing operators, unheard.

Roaming will be more risky than ever for Defenders, as Nøkk could be hiding behind every corner or worse, sneaking up right behind them.

Keep in mind that the HEL has a limited window of usage, and must otherwise be recharged through a cooldown.



Primary Weapon





Secondary Weapon




Machine Pistol


Deployable Shield

Nitro Cell

Observation Blocker


Elena « Mira » Álvarez

Rainbow Director of R&D

“Simple, effective, and flashy, the Glance is a device uniquely suited to its owner...”


Glance Smart Glasses

The Glance serves a function that was almost non-existent on the Defending team. With it active, Warden can see through smoke and turn around what could be a low-intel situation.

Activating his Smart Glasses can also prevent Warden from being blinded by flash effects, or cleanse an existing flash blindness, salvaging an otherwise dangerous few seconds.

However, the Glance’s effects only work as long as Warden stays immobile; otherwise, he is affected by smoke and flashes the same as everyone else.

The Glance is a triggered effect, which must be restored through a cooldown after use.


The holiday season may be far away, but we felt it was high time to revisit Kafe Dostoyevsky. From the outside, you can barely notice the difference, save from a few windows which are no longer destructible.

On the inside, however, many areas have been renovated to improve replayability and gameplay opportunities.

Most of the first floor has been redesigned, with the most drastic change around the North entrance. This main entrance now resembles the lobby of a high-end catering establishment, with multiple areas to take advantage of.

The second floor now features a new pair of Bomb sites, in Fireplace Hall and Reading Room. The stairs leading up from the main entrance have also been repositioned.

On the third floor, the easternmost part has changed, rearranging the layout of Cocktail Lounge, and giving it a balcony that overlooks the second floor. The cigar shop has also gained a brand new balcony, opposite that one.

In the southeast corner, the staircase now has a barrier, which limits the angles one can hold or exploit.

While other areas of the map remain essentially the same, all of it has received an aesthetic revamp that gives the map an even more sleek and chic atmosphere.

Feel free to test out these changes on our test server and submit your feedback on R6 Fix.


Reverse Friendly Fire was released with the latest update to Operation Burnt Horizon. For Phantom Sight, however, we aim to refine this feature with updates and improve the effectiveness of how all types of damage to teammates, such as explosions and toxic gas, will be reversed to the player under penalty, with a few exceptions.


In an effort to improve everyone's ranked experience and make it more competitive, Y4S2 will bring some updates to the Ranked playlist, some of which you might have already caught a glimpse of in Pro League.

Pick & Ban, 3-round rotations and the Bomb game mode will now be the standard for all Ranked matches. While 6th Pick will not be applied to the Ranked playlist, it will still be available in Custom matches.


The Rainbow Six shop had already been improved, but we’re taking it even further with an upgrade to the storefront, which continues the light theme of the fullscreen view introduced in Wind Bastion.

At the top, you will find our featured customization items. Immediately below, there will be a varied set of recommended items, chosen specifically for you. And at the bottom, you’ll see all the same categories as before clearly displayed such as Bundles, Uniforms, Boosters and more. The navigation still works the same way, so take a look around and let us know what you think of the revamp!


Lesion has never been more ready to jam the meridian. With his new prototype Elite set, he’s equipped to dish out some real venomous attacks. His opponents had better watch their step, because his new technology is the harbinger of a new age of science.

Keep an eye out for the Nano-Tox 32 uniform, victory animation, gadget skin for his GU Mines and weapon skin for his SIX12 SD, T-5 SMG and Q-929 as well as the Elite Lesion Chibi charm, all of which will be available soon after the launch of Operation Phantom Sight.


Operation Phantom Sight highlights the intensity of veteran soldiers whose lives have been shaped by their experiences, as the cream of the crop of Special Forces operatives.

This season’s unique weapon skins recall this sense of duty. The abyssal Destroyer, dutiful Secret Star and vicious Strike Force await you.

Seasonal weapon skins are released upon season launch and can purchased during that season. Once unlocked, the seasonal weapon skins can be applied to all available weapons and will remain in the player’s inventory indefinitely.


As announced during the Six Invitational 2019, some operators will see a price decrease in Season 2.

Valkyrie and Blackbeard’s prices will now be 10,000 Renown or 240 R6 Credits, while Alibi and Maestro’s prices will decrease to 20,000 Renown or 480 R6 Credits.


A detailed breakdown of the reasoning behind all balancing changes can be found in our Designer’s Notes: Pre-Season.


OTS-03 Optic will require players to stand still to clearly see through smoke

In order to use the OTS-03 scope at maximum efficiency, Glaz players will now have to stand still. Moving in any direction will progressively cause the bright yellow colour to fade out. Intensity information is displayed on the side of the scope.


Adrenal Surge now clears the tinnitus from explosives.


Vortex Optic added for FMG-9


Muzzle Brake added
Suppressor added




We have changed the Win and Loss conditions for our various game modes, effectively removing the possibility for a round to end in a Draw.

If the last player on each team dies at the same time, the following win conditions come into effect:

  • Bomb
    • (Not planted) Defenders Win – Bomb Protected (same as if timer runs out)
    • (Planted) Attackers Win – Bomb defused
  • Secure
    • Defenders Win – Container protected (same as timer runs out)
  • Hostage
    • Defenders Win – Timer Expired


See a snapshot of the current Ranked season with the new Ranked Guide. Upon entering the guide, players will be able to look at the current season’s rewards, map pool, and directly enter matchmaking from this page.

Each player’s personal Ranked stats and where they stand amongst others can easily be accessed. Explore the main rules of Ranked (with the newly added Pick & Ban) before jumping into the game, and see which maps have been added, removed, or reworked in the Ranked map pool.


The Operator selection screen has been improved to increase readability and show more information at a glance. See all weapons and gadgets available for an Operator, get a gauge of their difficulty rating, or choose to randomize your Operator selection in this revamped screen.


We have taken steps to reduce the impact ambient noise can have on your gameplay, specifically on Bank and Border.


The team on the helicopter has changed their search pattern to cover a wider area, forcing them to circle the objective from further away. This has also reduced the amount of noise from the helicopter for the Operators on the ground.


We spoke with the management of the Bank, and stressed the importance of being mindful of their water usage. As such, they have turned off the sprinklers in the Basement. They were not able to provide an ETA for when they would remove the water from the floor.

The fire alarm is now a more intermittent alert than a constant sound.

The circling police helicopter has moved a bit further out to give our Operators more space, and reduce the noise that the helicopter is making.

Ventilation boxes also received an upgrade, and now make less noise.


We are adjusting how MMR is managed when a new Season of Ranked is released in order to improve the matchmaking experience at the beginning of a Season. In the past, we reset all players to a 2500 MMR at the beginning of the Season. Moving forward, we will reset MMR between the “middle” (2500 MMR) and your rank from the previous Season, with extremes above 3500 and below 1500 clamped to those respective values. This will also apply to placement matches.

This change will also lead to players reaching their “true skill” faster; players that should be Diamond will reach Diamond faster. We understand that some players, particularly those at the extreme high end of Diamond, would like more of a “grind” implemented for attaining the higher ranks. We have heard these concerns and are working on how to provide that type of experience for those who want it in the future.


We have adjusted how we manage loading items in the menu. This has had the result of reducing the delay between selecting different weapons attachments and other items, leading to a smoother flow overall.


We are adjusting the indicator light colors on Defender and Attacker Observation tools to be more consistent. Moving forward, Observation tools controlled by Defenders will be blue, and those controlled by Attackers will be yellow. Additionally, Observation Tools that are under the effects of Vigil or Nøkk are now white. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure players can easily recognize a friendly, hacked, or enemy observation tool.

The following gadgets and tools have had their light colors changed to follow this design:

  • Regular Cameras
  • Valkyrie Cameras
  • Regular Drones
  • Maestro Turrets
  • Twitch Drones
  • Mozzie’s Hacked Drones
  • Bullet Proof Cameras


Player’s HUD will now remain visible when Flashed/Stunned. The HUD is a source of information for the player, not for the Operator they are controlling, and as such, the HUD info should always remain visible.




Fixed – Character model and hit box are desynced after a series of movements while prone.

Fixed – Kill cam replays while leaning are not accurate.

Fixed – Kill cam replays when latency is present are not in sync with actual events.

Fixed – Discrepancy between 1st and 3rd person perspectives when rotating with a shield.

Fixed – Noise is generated when slowly turning as a Shield Operator.

Fixed – Shield Operators can abuse the lean feature to avoid damage from bullets.

Fixed – Players can use macro inputs or hold crouch to change quickly between prone/standing stances on high FPS.

Fixed – FPS drops for players in session if a Defender starts and interrupts the Reinforcement action repeatedly.

Fixed – Shotguns do not reliably destroy wooden beams in walls.

Fixed – Breach Charges placed on the floor will kill the player under it.

Fixed – Sprinting right after triggering the weapon switch animation cancels the switch.

Fixed – Rappelling upside down can give an advantageous angle to the attacker.

Fixed – Attackers do not receive electric damage if they stay near an electrified surface after gadget has been destroyed and the redeployed.

Fixed – Electricity VFX clips in indestructible walls and deals damage.

Fixed – Operator gadgets that deploy onto walls can be destroyed through the wall by electrified barbed wire.

Fixed – Missing dynamic clipping when deployable shield is electrified.

Fixed – Player who are DBNO’d while holding a gadget and then revived cannot fire until going into ADS.

Fixed – Players with high ping can sometimes move while counter defusing or picking up armor.

Fixed – When a player throws a frag grenade and cancels the throw mid-animation, the frag grenade sometimes still explodes.

Fixed – Death from a DBNO bleed out will activate RFF but without the TK validation prompt.

Fixed – Gadgets that cannot be controlled (Smoke, Ash, etc.) Do not do reverse damage when RFF is active.

Fixed – RFF can be switched on for custom online games via match settings.



Fixed – Deployable gadgets can be deployed on Alibi’s Prisma Hologram.

Fixed – Alibi's Hologram disappears in various places when prone near elevated structures on certain maps.


Fixed – Breaching round does no damage after ricocheting off Kaid's Rtilla claw.


Fixed – When placing a Bandit gadget on a reinforced wall that's being destroyed, electricity effect will appear in the air where the wall used to be.

Fixed – Bandit unable to electrify the reinforced Northern wall of Strip Club in Clubhouse.


Fixed – Wooden studs are hard to destroy on Hereford basement walls with Buck’s Skeleton Key.


Fixed – Attackers can deploy claymores inside of Clash’s shield.


Fixed – Attackers are not hit by the Grzmot Mines when placed above a hole created by another Operator.


Fixed – There is no Adrenal Surge effect if player connects during boost usage.


Fixed – Glaz's thermal scope is present on bulletproof camera after watching the kill replay.


Fixed – Several areas where Gridlock’s Trax Stingers float after the object on which it was deployed if destroyed.

Fixed – Instead of being destroyed, Gridlock's gadget bounces back when it is thrown towards the out of bounds areas in some maps.


Fixed – Players can vault onto a Black Mirror.

Fixed – Black mirrors can be placed at the top of walls.


Fixed – The hostage goes into Prevent Revive mode if downed by a GU mine from a disconnected Lesion.

Fixed – Attackers can remove Gu needles while accessing drones or using observation tools.


Fixed – The breaching torch stop the electric damage from an electrified reinforced wall while rappelling.

Fixed – The Suri blowtorch makes no visible holes on the hatches of some maps.


Fixed – Pest-controlled drones lose signal in various locations on maps.

Fixed – Pest deployment AOE effect remains visible even if Pest/surface is destroyed.

Fixed – The first drone stolen by Mozzie may go dead after the Attacker whose drone was stolen deploys a second a second drone.

Fixed – Invisible drones after being hacked by Mozzie’s Pest.

Fixed – The drone outline for a Pest hacked drone is not visible from behind a Black Mirror or from Maestro’s Evil Eye.

Fixed – Mozzie controlled Drone light FX displays wrong color after JIP.


Fixed – The pushback effect does not trigger when Airjabs are deployed on the EXT Back Porch and EXT Front Porch ceiling of House.


Fixed – Sledge hammer cannot break the windows of any vehicles. Now he is free to vandalize all the cars in the game.


Fixed – Drone detection light appears white on attacker drones even when Vigil’s gadget is no longer activated.


Fixed – Throwing a Candela can cause the gadget to explode mid-air if it doesn’t reach the ground quickly.

Fixed – Inability to throw the Candela while falling or vaulting.


Fixed – The window glass material used on all maps prior to Villa have no reflective properties. We updated the windows for all maps for consistency. Feel free to preen.

Fixed – Lighting issues across maps.

Fixed – Various LOD issues across all maps.

Fixed – Clipping issues for various Operators, gadgets, drones and objects on all maps.

Fixed – Various map areas where Nitro Cell/explosives do not deal damage when detonated or damage is blocked.


Fixed – Drones can be placed into the wall through the window of EXT Plaza in Bank.

Fixed – Drones can be placed between the pillars of Bank Lobby.

Fixed – No rappel prompt on the right side wall of EXT Garage Roof area on Bank.


Fixed – Player are able to go on the scaffold at Central Stairs of Border.

Fixed – Players can fall through map at EXT Valley location of Border.


Fixed – Mismatched EXT rock and tree hit boxes can block damage and bounce back gadgets on Chalet.

Fixed – Drones can hide in some of the beams on Chalet.

Fixed – Drones can hide inside the Fire of 1F Great room on Chalet.

Fixed – Players can vault into the fireplace in 2F Master Bedroom.

Fixed – Some gadgets can be deployed above an inaccessible area at 1F Trophy Room of Chalet.


Fixed – Drones can clip through metal beam in basement of Clubhouse and cannot be destroyed.

Fixed – Players can vault on top of the weapons locker in B Arsenal Room and plant on Clubhouse.

Fixed – Bulletproof cameras cannot be picked up when placed on the wooden beams of 2F Construction in Clubhouse.

Fixed – Some objects on Clubhouse block grenade damage and indicators.

Fixed – Destroying the floor of 1F kitchen of Clubhouse reveals a LOS into B Escape Tunnel.

Fixed – Blood VFX can be noticed when shooting the chains that holds the pork bodies. Chains do not bleed, just pork.


Fixed – Drones can see through the wall of 2F Balcony on Consulate.

Fixed – Players experience rubber banding while trying to sprint on top of the concrete square block in Riot Barricade on Consulate.

Fixed – A wall can be reinforced from the other side of another wall at 2F Administration Office in Consulate.

Fixed – Players can use a deployable shield to vault and spawn kill on Consulate.

Fixed – Defenders can see EXT gas station spawn from 2F main stairs on Consulate.

Fixed – Players can see through the roof while in the 2F Bathroom on Consulate.

Fixed – Invisible collision on the back of the white van from B Garage of Consulate.

Fixed – Players can throw a drone inside the ceiling of 1F Main Stairs on Consulate.


Fixed – Hitbox mismatch with food containers in INT Kitchen in Favela.


Fixed – Players can vault and then plant on top of the fireplace in 1F Sitting Room on Fortress.

Fixed – Players can plant the Defuser on top of a bunk bed in 2F Dormitory on Fortress.

Fixed – Explosive damage can pass through the indestructible East wall of 2F Bathroom on Fortress.


Fixed – Players can’t pick up the Defuser when its dropped between sandbags at the EXT Shooting Range in Hereford.


Fixed – Defenders can hide between the chair and a nightstand at 1F Dining Room in House.

Fixed – Operators can clip through the platform at EXT Side Street of House and take damage.


Fixed – Lots of things. See Kafe Rework.


Fixed – Drones are destroyed when hugging the south-east fence in the construction site of Kanal.


Fixed – Sound propagation issue in Oregon Boiler Room.

Fixed – Collision issues on Oregon causing Operators to get stuck.

Fixed – Defenders can be detected outside in specific area of basement of Oregon.


Fixed – Pixel LOS from vending machines to EXT Motel Balcony on Outback.


Fixed – Player can climb on top of Plane by forcing and vaulting the collisions at EXT Caterer.


Fixed – Players can climb up the tower on Skyscraper.


Fixed – Players can vault onto the top of the train in 2F Rail Area of Themepark.


Fixed – The explosion SFX of some gadgets is muffled when detonated on the walls of 1F Center Hallway of Tower.


Fixed – A gap in B Old Office of Villa gives sight to the objective through the arch.


Fixed – The connection to server is lost after completing a Terrorist Hunt match.

Fixed – AI will prioritize Alibi Prisma even when engaged in combat in pve.

Fixed – New players are able to access Custom Games while offline but the Local button will not work.


Fixed – Voice chat will not work consistently for some teams and no microphone output is shown on the scoreboard.

Fixed – Change the TAN Holographic to a BLACK Holographic for all weapons.

Fixed – Change the color of Recruits gloves, increased seam visibility. Recruit found a better tailor.

Fixed – Switching to full screen from windowed mode in a 4K screen can break the ADS in-game and also the menu UI.

Fixed – The Ubisoft club button doesn't open the Uplay UI challenge section.

Fixed – Outbreak collection tag will stay on every uniform if you pick an Outbreak item then switch back to a normal one.

Fixed – Global announcements have orange color instead of white.

Fixed – The green light on weapon sights appears corrupted.

Fixed – Shields will clip with the operator after dropping while crouching.

Fixed – Attackers clip through the walls when rappelling from the inside near a Deployable Shield.

Fixed – In first person view, players clip in the top of doorframes when vaulting a deployable shield.

Fixed – Claymore lasers disappear when looking at them from a certain angle.

Fixed – When the user tries to put a barricade while spamming the prone action, the barricade will start the animation but there is no progress bar and it cannot be interrupted.

Fixed – Various areas on maps where Nitro cell explosion SFX is muffled when detonated on metallic or blocked windows.

Fixed – Drone audio sounds are silent for other players in the session.

Fixed – Running and walking footsteps SFX sound the same.

Fixed – Drone fall SFX plays even though the drone was destroyed mid air.

Fixed – When performing specific gadget swaps the sound will not play.

Fixed – Shield unequip SFX is distorted when starting to climb a ladder.

Fixed – The music remains on the main menu for several seconds with the Elite skins.

Fixed – After JIP is done operators will hold the drone in their hands while operating them.

Fixed – Different animations are played between 1st and 3rd person when quickly going in and out of prone.

Fixed – Breach charge animation transition misses during deployment.

Fixed – Operators have broken wrists when prone and looking down.

Fixed – Both arms disappear when sliding down a ladder.

Fixed – Randomly assigned Defuser icon is shown during loading screen before round.


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