

It is time for the second installment of “Declassified”, a community spotlight for the content creators of the Rainbow Six Siege Community!

We are very glad the feedback for the first issue has been so very positive and we cannot wait to show you some of the creations you posted under the #R6Community hashtag!

This time our highlighted Community member is @SAU-SIEGE, a comic artist that has been making Rainbow Six Content since August 2017.

Hello SAU-SIEGE and thank you to agreeing to this interview! Tell us! What is the best part about drawing Rainbow Six Siege Artwork?

SAU-SIEGE: For me, it’s about people’s reactions and interactions. I love seeing the discussions about gameplay or operators that one of my drawings may have featured.

What got you into Art and when did you start?

SAU-SIEGE I’ve been really interested in art from a young age. Coming from a background in film and animation, my favourite parts have been storyboarding and coming up with concepts. Since then, I’ve felt the need to explore that interest which led to me wanting to draw Rainbow Six illustrations.

What do you like about drawing Rainbow Six Siege specifically?

SAU-SIEGE: Personally, I enjoy exploring and developing each operator’s personality. It’s a lot of fun putting characters together in different scenarios. One of my favourites being anything involving Rook and his plates!

What’s the longest time you ever spent on a Rainbow Six Artwork?

**SAU-SIEGE:**That’s a good question! I try to limit myself on how much time I spend on a drawing because I could see myself spending weeks on one! The longest would have to be the Peanuts-inspired animation. I can’t remember how many hours it took, but I remember saying I’d have it done in less than a week and finishing it on the day of posting. Most of my illustrations can take me from 2-3 hours to complete depending on the detail.

Do you plan to do any more Rainbow Six Siege Artwork? Anything you can tease already?

SAU-SIEGE: Of course! I’ll hopefully be here until Year 10! I have some cool things in the works which I can’t talk about, but I’m excited to share more in the future. I’m always exploring new avenues. Based on the positive reaction from the Speed Painting videos, I’m considering starting a Bob Ross style Twitch stream where people can maybe learn a few tips and tricks about drawing. We shall see what happens!

**Thank you very much for your time! Keep up the amazing work! **

Follow SAU-SIEGE on Twitter, Instagram or have a look at his Portfolio.

Watermelon-Kin moves in on her target with her fantastic Ela-Cosplay!

Sorry, Killimaze. No ACOG for Jäger. Incredibly detailed Cosplay though, we love it.

Summer will not be defeated that easily. Thank you SiriusCanis for keeping things bright with this amazing Fanart!

You don't need to force information out of us, we'll tell you everything you need to know! An intimidating piece by Toffee-bit!

Give these amazing people a follow and share your feedback on reddit, or share your own creations under the #R6Community Hashtag on Twitter.

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