
Casters’ prediction: Meligeni

The time has come for FaZe! Though for a long time they have been among the best teams in Brazil, they never managed to reach their well-deserved spot after getting to the international finals. People would always say “FaZe is the favorite one!”; they would be regarded as the “future champions” even by international analysts.

Now, past and present have given all they needed to go from future champions to current champions. The squad relies on players with unique individual skills, ready to become title-holders, and they are mature enough to earn their first one. If not now, be ready for the Invitational, for we should have amazing moments.

Immortals is the unexpected result in Pro League! Who would think they’d be among the qualified teams for the Pro League world finals in Rio de Janeiro? Well, I certainly wouldn’t think that…

Immortals has got a great potential, as well as FaZe. These players are ready to compete in any tournament, but are they really ready as a team? Sometimes some players seem to have certain dependence on each other, like Novys or even Cyber – the latter has had one of the highest elimination rates along with his teammate: 111 in total.

Immortals holds the 3rd and 5th positions of highest eliminations during a game, with Novys going as high as 120, only surpassed by Nesk, with 132, and Astro, with 127.

Do they stand a chance of advancing this stage? They always do, if they are rational and have a lot of respect for their own knowledge of the game.

Finally, I’ve got great expectations for good results from both teams.

FaZe has got an amazing elimination power, so it’s no surprise that Astro is the second best eliminator in Pro League LATAM. They’re smart and versatile when it comes to build their strategies inside the game, they know when to fall back when necessary and they master each map’s limitations. Their major weakness is still the psychological aspect, as they demand so much on themselves to the point of losing focus and not allowing what they do best to happen, which is reacting faster than the opponent.

Immortals knows how to kill like no one else and they grow tactically every day. However, they still err on what seems to be lack of communication, or simply for not being patient enough, especially at the beginning of certain matches: they suffer many quick eliminations when attacking right from the start, as they don’t allow the intel collection against the enemy to be well established. Novys is a distinguished front player and needs to keep calm and wait for the right moment to move forward with the support of his team.

FaZe will face a team which grows day by day and evolves incredibly. Mock-It cannot be underestimated, especially for having a player who knows really well how they play. KS may be a menace to FaZe, as he played for PENTA and won the title against former Black Dragons in 2017 and eliminated Team Fontt at Gamescom, also in 2017. He knows exactly what to do against FaZe.

FaZe has renewed itself; they evolved and are ready to win now, should they respect their opponent.

My guess: FaZe 2, Mock-It 1

Immortals has a difficult task to accomplish: go head-to-head with the greatest title-winning team in Rainbow Six Siege. This is not going to be easy, but other squads have already done it and we can consider nobody has made G2 players’ lives harder than Brazilians have: G2 was nearly eliminated by Team Fontt at Gamescom with 2 overtimes; they lost against Black Dragons during the Pro League in São Paulo; and they were defeated by Team Liquid, during Season 7 in 2018.

Brazilians have been a thorn in the side of G2 since 2017, simply because they face G2 as they had nothing to lose. I believe that’s what Immortals should do in order to win: they should surprise and do the unexpected.

Honestly, I see G2 as the winner, but anything can happen with a Brazilian crowd pushing our players to victory. We have already seen it happen in São Paulo, and now it could happen again in Rio de Janeiro.

My guess: G2 2, Immortals 0

For the Brazilians to conquer the long-desired Pro League Title, they have to stay calm, respect their opponents, play according to the unexpected and, most of all, smile. Having fun is the best strategy. All Brazilians are already champions for being in the finals personally, and they are the pride of our eSports scene.

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