Team Rainbow has been reactivated in order to take down the world’s most dangerous terrorist threat yet, the White Masks. You’ll be confronting this new menace as the classic Rainbow Six PvE game mode, Terrorist Hunt, returns to the franchise in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. The enemy will be more numerous and dangerous than ever, sporting a suite of enemy AI archetypes that will test your skill and resolve in this expanded version of Terrohunt. Combined with the new Siege Generator, you’ll never have the same experience twice. We’ve spent the last few months going into detail on the highly competitive PvP, and we’re excited to share more of the game with this challenging and replayable PvE experience.
Terrohunt is part of the DNA of the Rainbow Six series and stands as a testament to the core mechanics of the game, and its emphasis on tactics. In previous titles it was only one game mode, but we’re expanding its scope in Rainbow Six Siege to encompass multiple game types, difficulty settings, scenario combinations and allowing co-op matchmaking for the first time. Playable solo or co-op with up to 4 other players, Terrohunt will put you on both attack and defense roles in the following game types:
- Terrohunt Classic
- Disarm Bomb (demoed this week during E3
- Extract Hostage
- Protect Asset (defensive mode)
These modes will be set against 11 different worldwide locations, each playable on day or night. To maximize replayability, we’ve also included a Siege Generator in the game that mixes and matches variables to create unique Terrohunt operations – from mode, map and time of day to objective locations and one of many fortification presets. The Siege Generator will also provide a random selection of enemy AI archetypes that you’ll need to adapt to for each round.
In order to capture the siege dynamic and emulate the CTU fantasy in PvE, the enemy AI has been designed from the ground up to be experts of the Siege and take on the roles of both attacking and defending forces. These AI enemies are trained to barricade, reinforce and set up traps and ambushes for the outnumbered Rainbow team. In Protect Asset, they’ll come equipped with explosives and rappel equipment, ready to test and breach your defenses.
“Anything that you’ve come to expect from the PvP part of the game, your AI enemies will be able to do in PvE,” explains Jérôme Lasserre, Team Lead – AI Core Systems.
Enemy AI will come in multiple archetypes that will work together to thwart you. For example, the “Engineer” archetype will focus solely on setting barricades and traps. The “Roamer” will rely on setting up ambushes, and attempt to flank you when you’re least expecting it. The “Bomber” archetype will be the most dangerous of them all, and one you’ll need to keep an eye on at all times when possible. “Bomber” enemies are heavily armored and strapped with explosives, which they’ll detonate after spotting and charging you. These are all controlled by an “AI Strategy Manager” that reacts to your actions and re-routes the enemy to take an optimal and realistic counter move.
Beyond just allowing you to live the fantasy of being a CTU Operative in a PvE setting, our main goal with the AI was to create systems that were highly challenging for players of all levels but never felt unfair (although we’re sure you’ll curse them plenty when you play). These archetypes will challenge you and your teammates to be the best player or team that you can be.
“Balancing the difficulty is a challenge we tried to take on early in development. We wanted to understand what drives difficulty in our game, and things like placement of enemies on a map, quality and accuracy of shooting, or movement and positioning are where the challenge lies. What we’re not going to do is increase the amount of damage they can take, or how much damage they do to you,” says Lasserre about our approach to AI difficulty.
There’s still more to be shared. This week we’ll be showing off Terrohunt at E3 with a hands-on demo of the PvE Disarm Bomb mode on a brand new map, Consulate. We’re also unveiling another new map from the game that will be playable for PvP at the booth, Hereford Base, the legendary Rainbow headquarters and home of the British SAS.
Creative director Xavier Marquis and producer Sebastien Labbe will be answering your questions about Terrohunt and more during a live Twitter Q&A this Thursday at 1pm PDT. Ask your questions to @Rainbow6game and follow along for the latest insider content from E3!
Chase “Electr1cPanda” Straight - Community Developer, Ubisoft Montreal
Chase is a goofy American ex-pat living in Canada who loves music, DJing, blogging, and obviously gaming for hours. No discrimination here, Chase loves consoles as much as playing on his homebuilt gaming rig. Say hi and send cat pics (bonus points if they're wearing R6 gear) on Twitter at @R6ComDevs.
Genevieve "Livinpink" Forget - Community Developer, Ubisoft Montreal
Gen goes by the handle Livinpink in the gaming industry. She is known for her involvement in multiple competitive gaming communities through her work as eSports media and personality. She participates in weekly livestreamed Dungeons and Dragons sessions. She also tweets from @R6ComDevs.