June 15, 2021

3 Min Read

Dev Blog: Missing In Action (MIA)


Incursions into Active Containment Zones are fraught with danger and the safety of REACT Operators and personnel is paramount. All personnel on Incursions are equipped with wrist-mounted auto-deployment devices synched with biometric sensors.

If personnel bio-signals reach a predetermined threshold, these devices will automatically deploy REACT Stasis Foam, a nanomaterial that self-assembles a protective casing intended to limit exposure of personnel to dangerous and/or infectious environments.

In layman’s terms, if your Operator goes down during a mission, your suit will automatically deploy a protective casing of REACT Stasis Foam to prevent you from receiving further injury.

This system is absolutely key to one of the gameplay loops of Rainbow Six Extraction as it is the primary cause of Operators entering a state known as Missing In Action or MIA.

R6E Operator Selection MIA


Before we delve deeper into how the MIA mechanic works, it’s important to explain the three different statuses your roster of Operators can have.


All Operators will start with their status as Operational. It means that they are fully operational and can be deployed on any Incursion.


Operators who have returned from an Incursion under a certain threshold of Health Points (HP) will be classed as Inactive. Players must use other Operational Operators to complete Incursions to give inactive Operators a chance to recover HP to reach Operational status again.


If an Operator fails to extract from an Incursion successfully, they are considered Missing in Action or MIA and must be rescued from the Active Containment Zone where they fell. Once successfully rescued, they will return to your Operator roster.


Now that you have a better idea of the different Operator statuses and what exactly MIA means, below you will find an explanation on how the Objective type works and the best ways to approach it.

MIA Operators are rescued by locating the Chimera Archæan Tree that is incubating them. Chimera Archæan Tree roots will actively work to pierce the Operator's REACT Foam protective shell, but Operators can counteract this by targeting the Arch Cells and Anchor Points located on the root tendrils. Once the MIA Operator is freed, they must be carried to the Extraction Point and placed into the Extraction Pod.

If you’re looking to form a squad to help you save your MIA Operator, we will have a dedicated MIA Help channel on our Official Discord when the game launches to find other players willing to assist you when attempting this crucial Objective type.

Which Operator would you want in charge of successfully completing your MIA rescue? Let us know by getting involved in the conversation on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and Facebook.
